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Standard Contract

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A standard contract, simply called a Contract in VertiGIS FM, is any kind of contract that is not an insurance contract or rental contract. It can include a user agreement, service contract, maintenance contract, and more.

Contract Details Page

Each contract created in VertiGIS FM Contracts has its own details page. You can access a contract's details page on the search page, by selecting Contract under Objects and double-clicking a contract in the search grid.


Navigating to Contract Details Page

The contract details page is divided into the sections below.


The Contract section stores high-level details about the contract.

Contract Details



Con­tract no.

A number assigned to a contract.


The version of the contract. When a new contract is created, a value is assigned programmatically and cannot be edited manually. A value of 0 indicates that this is the first version of the contract.

If the contract's status is Completed, most of the fields in the contract details are locked and cannot be edited manually. If you want to change any of the details in the contract's locked fields, you must create an addendum to the contract. On the new contract, you can change any of the contract details before changing its status to Complete.

Refer to Add Addendums for more information.


A name for the contract.

Con­tract cat­egory

The contract's category. Selectable options are stored in the Contract Category catalog. The contract category assigned to the contract determine which objects can the contract can be linked to.



Type of Object

The VertiGIS FM data object associated with the contract. You can select any type of data object saved in the Contract Category catalog entry selected in the Contract Category field.

The type of data object you select in this field determines which type of object you can link the data object in the Contract Objects section. If you make no selection in the Type of Object field, its value is Miscellaneous, and you can link any type of data object stored in the Contract Category catalog with the contract.


The current state of the contract.

Not realised

The contract has been created but is not valid. Most of the fields in the contract details can still be edited.

This contract status is typically assigned if a party backs out of a contract.

Marked down

The contract has been created but has not yet been signed by both parties. Most of the fields in the contract details can still be edited.

In progress

Details of the contract are being finalized, but it has not yet been agreed to by both parties. When a contract is in this state, fewer fields are editable compared to when the contract's state is Marked Down.


The contract has been agreed to by both parties, and the contract is valid. Most fields in the contract details are locked, and you must add an addendum to the contract to change them.


The end of the contract is reached.


A check box that, if selected, means the contract is a commercial contract and that tax values must be included in invoices.


The country whose tax information is applied to the contract. Refer to Country Management for more information.


The monetary currency associated with the contract.

Addendum to

The date this version of the contract became valid. This field is only visible if the contract is an addendum to another version of the same contract.

Commencement of contract

The date the contract begins.

Possible contract expiration date

The earliest date the contract can expire. This date is generated using the data entered in the Termination section.

Next possible termination til


Trans­action num­ber


Cost cen­ter


Public law / Priv­ate law


Tax­ation checked


Di­git­ally cap­tured

A check box that, if selected, means that the contract is stored in Document Management System (typically not VertiGIS FM).

Per­son respons­ible

The person responsible for the contract. You must select a contact or company stored in the Contact Management module. Refer to Responsibilities for more information.

Dis­coun­t code



The department or organization within in your company that is associated with the contract (for example, Support, Distribution, Administration). Selectable options are stored in the Organizations section on the Administration > Own Data > Client or Administration > Own Data > Tenant page.

Pay­ment meth­od

How payments associated with the contract are made.

Type of advance pay­ments


Al­loc­ation to an account





The person or organization who makes payments for the contract.

Either the payer or payee must be your own organization (Administration > Own Data > Client or Administration > Own Data > Tenant).

Represented by

A point of contact for the contract's payer.


The person or organization to whom payments for the contracts are made.

Either the payer or payee must be your own organization (Administration > Own Data > Client or Administration > Own Data > Tenant).

Represented by

A point of contact for the contract's payee.

Contractor is

A contractual partner of the client.


Any additional information relevant to the contract.

Additional Contractual Partner

An additional contractual partner is a third contracting party not selected in the Payer or Payee fields. You can add multiple additional contractual partners in this section.


Additional Contractual Partner Section

Refer to Add Additional Contractual Partners for more information.


The Termination section includes information about when the contract will end.

To edit the data in the field below, edit the main contract details.

Termination Details




A check box that, if selected, means the contract has no fixed term. If you select this check box, you can select a Termination Possible On date or select No cancellation agreed, which means the contract remains valid indefinitely.

Fixed term

The fixed term of the contract. You can enter the length of the contract in the Contract Period, and VertiGIS FM will calculate the contract end date based on today's date. Alternatively, you can enter the date the contract ends in the or until the date of menus.



A field you can use to specify an extension of the contract's fixed term. You can use the Extended until check box to specify a date until which the contract is extended, or use the Automatic Extension check box to specify an amount of time to be added to the term of the contract.


You can also allow extensions to the contract's term by adding options to the contract. Options give you the right to extend the contract by a specified amount of time during a period of time specified in the option criteria. Refer to Contract Options for more information.

Termination during the fixed duration

A setting that defines how the contract can be terminated during the fixed term.


Termination during extension

A setting that defines how the contract can be terminated during the extension period.


Terminated on

The earliest date the contract can be terminated.

Terminated on

The latest date the contract can be terminated.

Re­mind­er x days before expir­ation

The number of days before a reminder message is sent to the configured recipients using the Exchange Server.



Contract cancellations and terminations are also affected by additional data entered in the Contract Options and Special Terminations fields.


The Guarantees section contains guarantor information is the contract is for a loan that requires a guarantor.

To edit the data in the field below, edit the main contract details.

Guarantees Details



Loan guarantee

A check box that, if selected, means the loan is guaranteed.

Loan guar­antee num­ber








Risk of loss of alloc­ated costs


Share of ser­vice charges [%]


Val­id until



A check box that, if selected, means the contract has no fixed term.







Num­ber­ of months (monthly rent)




Let­ter­ of guar­antee








Com­mis­sion on bank guar­antee




Share [%]


Cost Centers

The Cost Centers section lists the cost centers (for example, administrative, human resources, or IT departments) associated with the contract and their share of the contract.  You can add or remove cost centers from this section by clicking the Additional Editing (icon-edit) icon.


Manage Contract Cost Centers

Cost Centers are managed in the VertiGIS FM Costs and Budget module. You must create cost centers in the Costs and Budget module before selecting them on the contract details page.

Contract Objects

The Contract Objects section lists the objects linked to the data object.

Click the Additional Editing (icon-edit) icon to select objects to link to the contract. You can only select objects of the type specified in the Type of Objects field in the contract details.


Building Added as Contract Object


Building Selected in Type of Object Property

If the contract's Type of Object value is Miscellaneous, you can link the contract with any object types listed in the Contract Category catalog entry.

Refer to Link Contract and Data Objects for more information.


Addendums added to a contract are documented in the Hierarchy section of the contract details page.

An up-arrow icon in the leftmost column indicates that the version of the contract is a predecessor of the version whose contract details page you are viewing. A down-arrow icon indicates that the version of the contract is a more recent addendum than the contract whose details page you are viewing.


Hierarchy Section on the Contract Details Page

Refer to Add Contract Addendums for more information.


The Payments section lists the headers of invoices associated with the contract. You can double-click an item in the list to view the payment and line item information in more detail.


Payments Section

Refer to Payments for more information.

Additional Contract Partner

The Additional Contractual Partner section lists the parties involved in the contract that aren't selected in the Payer or Payee fields in the contract details.


Additional Contractual Partners Section

You cannot add or remove additional contractual partners in this section. You can add or remove contractual partners in the Additional Contractual Partners section that is visible when you edit the contract details. Refer to Add Additional Contractual Partners for more information.

Contract Options

The Contract Options section lists the options in the contract. An option is one party's right to extend to extend the length of the contract before its termination date.


Contract Options

Refer to Manage Contract Options for more information.

Special Terminations

Index Agreements

In the Index Agreements section, you can select a price or consumer index stored in the VertiGIS FM database and adjust the amounts the contract's payee pays on associated invoices. This feature is helpful is the contract's recurring payments are subject to factors like inflation.


Index Agreement Section

Refer to Manage Price Indexes and Apply Indexes to Payments for more information.

Contract of Graduated Rent

Due Dates

The Due Dates section lists upcoming due dates for payments associated with the contract.


Due Dates Section

Refer to Due Dates and Manage Payments for more information.

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