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Component Versions

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Versions are the grouping node above objects (individual component assets) and beneath the designation or the group in the Component Structure.

Notably, versions in the Component Structure are selected when you create an installing structure for a device.

Versions can be viewed in the Types section on their parent group or designation details page.


Versions Listed in the Names Section on the Designation Details Page

To open a version's details page, double-click a version in the Types section of its group's or designation's details page. Alternatively, you can select the component version you want to open and click the View Details (icon-view-details) icon.


View Details Icon to Open Version Details Page on Designation Details Page

Version Details Page

The version details page page includes the sections below.

Version Details Sections




Tree reflecting the version's hierarchy in the Component Structure.


The version's general properties.

Work sheets

Lists of instructions with rules and guidelines associated with the components in this version. Work sheets can also contain a trade, expected time, potential costs, and more.


Lists of maintenance tasks associated with the version. Checklists shown in this section may have been created specifically for this version or created globally and applied to this version.

Threshold Tables

Ranges of values that specify whether measurements registered on the version's device should generate appointments. This applies maintenance strategies that use measurement-based intervals


The custom additional properties created for components in the version.

Property Categories

The custom property categories created for components in the version.

Characteristic Values

The custom characteristic values created for components in the group.

Damage Category

Options that can be selected to describe damage when a user opens a ticket against a component within the version. Only options saved in the Damage Symptoms catalog can be selected.

Authorised Person

People authorized to use components within the version. This feature can only be used in combination with the Health and Safety product.


Specific instances of the component.


Component Version Details Page

Version Properties

The data below is contained in the Properties section on the component version details page.




Asset Identification Key

The serial code that indicates the component's group, designation, and version in the Device and Systems Structure.


The name of the component.

Sort position

The position in a list of component versions in which this component version will display. For example, if you are viewing a list of component versions within a component designation, and the Sort Position value for a component version is 1, the component version will display at the top of the list.


A link to a warehouse, plant, or repair shop that can provide maintenance for the component.


The trade, industry, or occupation type associated with the components.

Service Level

A classification of the possible effects of the component's being defective. Selectable options are 

A1 - major disruption

B1 - high safety risk

C5 - general defect

Default Values

These values are only shown when you add or edit the component version.

Component Default Values



Width [m]

The width in meters of this version's components.

Length (depth) [m]

The length in meters of this version's components.

Height [m]

The height in meters of this version's components.

Diameter [m]

The diameter in meters of this version's components.

Weight [kg]

The weight in meters of this version's components.

Purchase price

The purchase price of this version's components.

Duration warranty

The length of this version's devices. For this field, you must enter a number in the text box and then select Months or Years from the drop-down menu.


The manufacturer of this version's components.


The supplier of this version's components.


The installer of this version's components.


A description for this version's components.

If any of the sections described in this topic do not appear on the details page, you may need to edit the section authorization to show them.

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