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Asset Identification Keys

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Devices and components can be distinguished by unique identifiers called Asset Identification Keys. Each asset's key is unique and reflects its group, designation (if applicable), and version. Devices and component objects themselves are identified by a decimal number at the end of the key.

Groups, designations, and versions all have Asset Identification Keys. The lower down the hierarchy an asset is, the longer its identification key will be. The identifier can be viewed in the Asset Identification Key column in the Groups, Names, or Types tables.

The logic outlined in this article applies to Asset Identification Keys for nodes in both the Device and Systems Structure and Component Structure.


A group is identified by a string of three letters that can be viewed in the Asset Identification Key column in the Groups table.


Asset Identification Key Column in the Groups Table


A designation is identified by a key comprising two three-letter strings that can be viewed in the Asset Identification Key column in the Names table.

The Asset Identification Key for a designation contains the three-letter key for its group as well as its own unique identifier after a period symbol. This means that all designations within the same group will share the same first three letters in their identification keys.


Asset Identification Key Column Containing the Key for Its Parent Group in the Names Table

The Names table is accessed by clicking on a designation in the Groups table.


A version that is directly below a group in a two-level hierarchy will have an Asset Identification Key similar to the ones shown above in the Designations section.

If the version is directly below a designation in a three-level hierarchy, it will have a third string after its group and designation identifiers. This means that all Versions within the same designation will share two strings for the shared group and designation but have a unique string for its version after the second period symbol.


Version Asset Identification Keys Reflecting the Group, Designation, and Version in the Types Table

Devices and Objects

In the Device and Systems Structure, the level below the version is the device. It refers to individual instances of the device or system described in the version. In the Component Structure, the level below the version is the component object

The Asset Identification Key for individual objects is the same string as for their version, but with a decimal and numeral after the version identifier to serialize that specific device.


Device or Object Identifier in the Asset Identification Key

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