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Navigation: Buildings


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A building refers to a structure on a real estate that can contain floors, construction stages, and rooms.

Building Hierarchy

A building's structure can include construction stages, floors, and rooms, depending on whether the buildings you're managing in VertiGIS FM Buildings includes those elements.

All buildings in VertiGIS FM Buildings must be added to a real estate. The only way to add a new building is on the real estate details page.

A construction stage, which refers to a section of a building that was built at a different time than other sections of the building, must be added directly beneath a building.

A floor, which is a level or a floor of a building, can be added beneath a construction stage or directly beneath a building.

A room can be added beneath a floor or directly beneath a building, but not directly beneath a construction stage.

These rules mean that any of the three building structures below can be used in VertiGIS FM Buildings.


Possible Building Structures in VertiGIS FM Buildings

These three structures are mutually exclusive for each building. This means that, for example, if you add a construction stage to a building, you will not be able to floors or rooms directly beneath that building. Any floors or rooms you create within that building must be divided into construction stages and then into floors. If you add any rooms beneath a different building, you will not be able to add construction stages or floors to that building. As soon as you add any one of these three elements to a building, the sections for the other two are hidden on the building details page. Refer to the building details page section for more information.

Building Details Page

The building details page contains data related to the building and sections that show the other VertiGIS FM tools used to maintain and administer it.

To access the building details page for a building, click Building under Objects on the search page and double-click a building. Alternatively, you can double-click a building in the Building section on the real estate details page for the real estate that contains the building.

Data on the building details page is broken down into the sections below. You may have to edit the section authorization on the page you're viewing in order to view some of the sections.


The Building section lists the basic building details.

Building Details





The number of the building. Can be serialized against other buildings on the property.




The name assigned to the building.

Office Building

McPherson Library

Real Estate

The real estate on which the building is located.

DE-DD-001, Commercial Property


The current status of the real estate.



Not Active

In Rejection


Street / No.

The street name and address number of the real estate.

123 Main Street

Zip Code / Town

The zip or postal code and town of the real estate.

98101 Seattle

Federal State

The state or province in which the real estate is located.



British Columbia


The country in which the real estate is located.



Tenure Status

The tenure status of the real estate.




Third-party property


The owner of the real estate. You must select a contact or company stored in the Contact Management module. 

KMS Computer GmbH


The user  of the real estate. You must select a contact or company stored in the Contact Management module. 

KMS Computer GmbH


The manager of the real estate. You must select a contact or company stored in the Contact Management module. 

Ackermann, Brunhilde

Person responsible

The user responsible for the property. You must select a contact or company stored in the Contact Management module. 

Braun, Frank


The Navigation pane shows the hierarchy of the building in relation the property on which it is located and floors and rooms within the building.


Navigation Pane on the Building Properties Page


If the Map section is available on the building details page, the building's location is shown on one of two maps:

on a web map from a VertiGIS Studio application that has been integrated with VertiGIS FM.

on the Open Street Map (OSM), a basic map that shows the location of assets using location and address data stored in the VertiGIS FM database. The OSM is available for all clients who do not have any VertiGIS Studio projects.


Asset Location Shown Using the Open Street Map

If the OSM is activated and does not appear on the building's details page, ensure the building is associated with a street address. The location of a real estate, building, floor, construction stage, or room is displayed based on its street address in the VertiGIS FM database. The location of an object like a door, gate or window is displayed based on the address of the real estate, building, floor, construction stage, or room selected in the Installed In field on the object's details page. Refer to Buildings Hierarchy for more information.

Refer to Open Street Map Viewer for information about viewing your assets on the OSM.


Building and Maintenance Assets Shown on an Integrated VertiGIS Studio Web Map

If your organization has integrated its own VertiGIS Studio web map with VertiGIS FM and mapped a layer to buildings, you can click the Locate (icon-locate) icon on the building details page to manage the GIS feature associated with the building.


Locate Icon on the Device Details Page

Clicking the Locate button opens the Edit Object workflow. This allows you to move the location of the building's corresponding feature in the GIS, unlink the building and the feature so that changes to the item in the GIS are not reflected in the VertiGIS FM database (and vice-versa), or delete the GIS feature so that the building only exists as an object in VertiGIS FM.

The Maps section does not appear on the building details page if buildings are not mapped to any layers in an integrated VertiGIS Studio web map and the Open Street Map (OSM) is not activated.


The BIM (Building Information Modelling) section displays the 3D model of the building. This section is only visible if an IFC file that has been imported for the building's real estate. Refer to View an IFC File for  information on how to navigate the BIM viewer.


BIM Section for a Real Estate

Basic Data

The Basic Data section includes the building's basic physical and operational details. You can edit this data by clicking the Edit (icon-edit) icon in the Building section and expanding the Basic data tab.

Basic Data Fields




Building type

A categorization of the building.

Office building

Residential building

Public building

Sports venue


What the building is used for.

Office building


Miscellaneous use


Building class according to state building code

A classification used in Germany to organize buildings based on their usage.

Class 2

Operating number

A number used in Germany for social insurance purposes.


Cost center

The entity to which maintenance or consumption costs incurred by the component are to be charged. An option must be selected from the set of cost centers created in VertiGIS FM Costs and Budgets.

6001020, Allgemeine Verwaltung



The currency units for monetary values associated with the building (for example, construction costs).


USD (Dollar)

CAD (Dollar)

JPY (Yen)

Date of activation

The date the building has been in use since (mm/dd/yyyy)


Vital for operation

Whether the building is vital to the real estate's operation?



Year of construction

The year the building was built.


Construction costs

How much the building cost to build.



Whether the building is a landmark



Energy performance certificate

Whether the building is certified for its energy use.



Weather Station

The applicable weather station for the building.


Evaluation period

The period based on which the building's energy consumption is evaluated. This could be the calendar year (Jan-Dec), the hydrological year (Nov-Oct) or others. The period used in the evaluation reports  is determined based on the period specified in this field.




Base year balancing

The year in which the evaluation period for energy consumption begins.



Whether the building can be rented or leased.



Add occupancy

A check box that, if selected, causes the Occupancy section to display on the building details page and on the edit building form.



Minimal workload

The minimum number of employees that should be using the building for the energy costs to be considered worthwhile. This field is used for energy consumption evaluation purposes.


Maximum occupation

The number of people that can be in the building at one time.


Floor area [m²]

The area of the floor in square metres.



Whether the building has been assessed by an expert. 



Asset value

The value of the building.



Whether the value of the building was calculated automatically.



Date of expert's report

The date the expert issued their report on the building.



The type of assets used to calculate the value of the building. Selectable options are stored in the Procedure catalog.

Asset value

Earning-capacity value

The New Construction Value, New Construction Index Value, Fire Insurance Value, and Fire Insurance Value Index fields are associated with a VertiGIS FM product that is no longer available.


If your VertiGIS FM license includes VertiGIS FM Energy, you can view and manage data related to the building's energy consumption on the building details page by clicking the icon-energy-sensor and icon-energy-balance icons.


Energy Icons on the Building Details Page





Energy sensors

This icon displays if your implementation includes a license for VertiGIS FM Energy and if a sensor has the building selected in the Display Underneath field in the sensor details. When you click this icon, the page that opens displays the Energy Controlling chart for all sensors associated with the building.


Energy balance

This icon displays if your implementation includes a license for VertiGIS FM Energy. When you click this icon, the Energy Balance page opens.

Aerial Balance

In the Aerial Balance section, you can specify the areas in square metres for various types of surfaces.

Gross - Floor Area [m²]

Gross room volume [m³]

Net floor area [m²]

Construction area [m²]

Us­able Floor space [m²]

Func­tion­al area [m²]

Circulation area [m²]

Not defined [m²]

Cooled area [m²]

Heated area [m²]

En­ergy refer­ence area [m²]

Certain values are calculated programmatically based on the values you enter manually in other area boxes.

Basic Data Rent/Lease

The Basic Data Rent/Lease section includes the building's rental details. This section is only used for buildings whose space is rented for residential or commercial purposes.

To access this section, you must select the Rental/Leasable check box in the Basic Data section. You can then edit the details in this section on the building's Rent Details page.

You can edit this data by clicking the Edit (icon-edit) icon in the Building section and expanding the Basic data tab.


In the Occupancy section, you can enter the monthly occupancy for the building. This section can only be seen if the Add Occupancy check box under Basic Data is selected.


Occupancy Section on the Edit Building Details Form

The Occupancy details can be edited when you edit a building's details and basic data. There is no edit button in the Occupancy section on the building details page.

Energy Performance Certificate Data

Under Energy Performance Certificate Data, you can enter data for the following metrics related to energy usage:

Condi­tioned gross area [m²]

Condi­tioned gross volume [m³]

Char­acter­ist­ic length [m]

Com­pact­ness A/V

HWB Gross floor area [kWh/m²a]

HWB Gross room volume [kWh/m²a]


This section lists the building construction components that have been installed in the building.


Components Section on the Building Details Page


The Occupancy section can be used to outline the building's occupancy on a month-by-month basis. Occupancy details can be added when you edit the building's details by clicking the Edit (icon-edit) icon at the top of the page.

Construction Stages

The Construction Stages section lists the construction stages that have been added to the building. This section is not shown if any floors or rooms have been added directly to the building. Refer to Buildings Hierarchy for more information.


The Floors section lists the floors that have been added to the building. Floors can be added to the building manually, by importing a CAD drawing that contains floor data, or by importing an IFC file that contains floor data.


Floors Section on the Building Details Page

This section is not shown if any construction stages or rooms have been added directly to the building. Refer to Buildings Hierarchy for more information.


The rooms that have been added to the building. The Rooms section lists the rooms on the floor. Rooms can be added to the building manually, by importing a CAD drawing that contains room data, or by importing an IFC file that contains room data.

This section is not shown if any construction stages or floors have been added to the building.


This section lists doors and gates that have been installed in the building. This section will not list any doors or gates that have been installed in any construction stages, floors, or rooms beneath the building in the buildings hierarchy.


The Window section lists the windows that have been installed in the building. This section will not list any windows that have been installed in any construction stages, floors, or rooms beneath the building in the buildings hierarchy.


The Responsibility lists responsibilities associated with the building. A responsibility refers to a type of duty, the contact or organization in charge of the duty, and their contact information.

Refer to Responsibilities for more information.


Responsibility Section on the Building Details Page


Devices can be associated with the building if you are using VertiGIS FM Maintenance. Devices found within the building are listed in this section.


Devices Within the Building Listed in the Devices Section on the Building Details Page


Checklists can be associated with the building if you are using VertiGIS FM Maintenance. Checklists applied to the building are listed in this section.


Intervals can be associated with the building if you need to establish a schedule for inspections or maintenance routines for the building. Click here for instructions.

Only Time-based intervals can be applied to a building. Meter- and measurement-based intervals can be used for assets managed in VertiGIS FM Maintenance, like devices, systems, and components.


The Tickets section lists any service desk tickets associated with the building.


Orders can be associated with the building. If there are intervals associated with the building, they will generate orders that appear in this section. You can also create a new order for the room manually by clicking the Add (icon-add) button.


The Defects section lists the defects that have been logged against the building. Refer to Defects for more information.

Building Datasheet

The Building Datasheet section lists the datasheets that have been associated with the building.


The Appointments section lists the scheduled appointments (a call or in-person meeting) that are associated with the building. Appointments are action items that can be scheduled for any object in VertiGIS FM. They are not the same thing as orders.

To add an appointment for the asset, click the Add (icon-add) icon in the Appointments section on the details page.


The Documents section lists the documents, including image files, associated with the building. Refer to Document Management for more information, including instructions on how to upload a document.

Documents uploaded on the building details page could include an image file depicting the building or a procedural document related to the building.

If any of the sections described in this topic do not appear on the details page, you may need to edit the section authorization to show them.

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