The catalogs below are used to store selectable options for assets and features in VertiGIS FM Maintenance. You can add options to these catalogs or edit existing ones by clicking Administration > Master Data > Catalog Management > Energy Management.
Energy Management Catalog Sections
Catalog |
Description |
The forms of energy that can be selected from the Category drop-down menu on the metering point details page. |
The forms of energy that can be selected from the Energy Form drop-down menu on the metering point details page and meter details page. Each meter must be associated with a metering point that shares the same Energy Form property. The Energy Form property stores various other details used in energy management. •If the Feed In Is Possible check box is selected for the energy form, metering points for which the energy form is selected will allow you to specify |
The source of energy that can be selected when you create a tariff. |
The reason for recording a meter reading that can be selected from the Reading Reason drop-down menu when you record a meter reading. You must also select an entry from this catalog when you request a real-time reading. If you select a catalog entry that has the Output-relevant check box selected, readings assigned the Reading Reason will be treated as a normal meter reading when passed on to the meter. If the Output-relevant check box is not selected, readings assigned the Reading Reason are shown in the Real-Time Reading section on the meter details page and not included in Consumption calculations. |
The reasons that can be selected when an energy manager reviews and checks a variance or checks a missing assignment in the Deviations section on the Plausibility page. |
The type of sensor that can be selected in the sensor details when you add or edit a sensor. These selections store several properties related to the sensors to which they are applied. The Type of Sensor assigned to a sensor determine how sensor values it registers are sent to VertiGIS FM. •Chart: whether sensors assigned this sensor type are to create meter readings or consumption entries directly. •Type: the type of database stored the sensor data to be imported for sensors assigned this sensor type: ▪Electric current + tariff ▪Rotary current ▪Rotary current including tariff ▪Standard with OBIS classification numbers ▪Heating cost allocator •File format: the file format (CSV, XML, or MQTT) of the database in which the meter values recorded by the sensor are stored before they are imported into VertiGIS FM. •CSV column: the column in the database in which the meter values recorded by the sensor are stored before they are imported into VertiGIS FM. •Transfer factor: the factor by which values recorded by the sensor are multiplied when imported into VertiGIS FM. A transfer factor may be required based on the number of digits and decimal placement used by your meter. •Unit of sensor: the unit of measurement in which values recorded by the sensor are measured. |
The metering point usages that can be selected from the Usage drop-down menu on the metering point details page. |