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When a checklist is applied to a maintenance strategy, it becomes a requirement to close any orders generated by that maintenance strategy's intervals. You cannot mark the order as Finished until all the tasks in the checklist have been marked as complete.

Checklists are completed by marking their individual tasks as complete. This can be done either of two ways: by editing the order details or in the checklist section on the order details page.

Complete Checklists by Editing the Order Details

This method is preferred because it allows you to create follow-up orders in the event that a task in the checklist cannot be completed.

To Complete a Device Checklist by Editing the Order Details

1.On the order details page, click the Edit (icon-edit) icon in the Device order section.


2.Under device order, expand the [checklist name] checklist tab.


3.For each task (as indicated in the Name column), select the check box in the ok column if the task was completed or the Not o.k. column if the task was not completed.

4.Click Save and Close.

You can also change the status of the order to Finished at the same time as you complete the checklist. If you want to mark an order as Finished but cannot complete a task in the checklist, you can create a follow-up order for the task.

Complete Checklists for Installed Components

If the order is for a device with an installation structure and components for its installed components, you must complete these checklists when editing the order details.

To Complete Checklists for Installed Components

1.On the  order details page, click the Edit (icon-edit) icon in the Device order section.

2.Expand the Components section.

3.Click the icon-view-details icon in the Checklists column for the component whose checklist you want to complete.


4.Expand the section by the name of the checklist and select the check box corresponding to the status of each item.


5.Click Save and Close.

If all items are marked ok, the status of the component's checklist updates accordingly.


Components Section in Edit Order Form

Repeat the procedure above for all components installed in the device's installation structure that have associated checklists.


Components Section in Edit Order Form

Refer to Maintenance Strategies for Assets with Installing Structures for more information.

Complete a Checklist Task in the Checklist Section of the Order Details Page

This procedure is an alternative to the one outlined above.

To Complete a Checklist Task in the Checklist Section of the Order Details Page

1.Expand the [checklist name] checklist section on the order details page.

2.Double-click the task you want to mark as complete, or select it and click the View Details (icon-view-details) icon.


3.In the Position section, click the Edit (icon-edit) icon.

4.Select the ok check box.


5.Click Save and Close.

The checklist section on the order details page now indicates that the task is complete.


Completed Checklist Task on the Order Details Page

Follow-up Orders

Follow-up orders are generated when a task in a checklist is unable to be completed. For more information, click here.

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