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A follow-up order is a type of order that is generated when a checklist task in an order that was generated by maintenance strategy is unable to be completed. For the system to generate a follow-up order, the object or its version must have a maintenance strategy interval with a checklist applied to it.

Follow-up orders are generated by individual tasks within a checklist. For a task to generate a follow-up order, it must have an order template applied to it.

Generate Follow-up Orders

Follow-up orders are generated when you indicate on a checklist that you are unable to complete one of the tasks. Ordinarily, if an order has a checklist associated with it, all tasks on the checklist must be completed to close the order.

You can generate a follow-up order when you are completing a checklist,

To Generate a Follow-up Order

1.Click on the icon-circle-plus icon in the Order column for a task that is unable to be completed.


You will only be able to complete this step if you have already applied an order template to the checklist task.

2.In the Device order dialog,

oSelect the type of order from the Type drop-down menu.

oEnter a name for the follow-up order in the Name text box.

oFill in any other relevant details in the form.


3.Click Apply. In the checklist, the Order column should now display a number in brackets for the task that cannot be completed.


You can edit the follow-up order details by clicking in the Order column cell and selecting the follow-up order from the drop-down menu.

4.Click Save and Close.

The new follow-up order can now be seen in the Follow-up Orders section on the order details page.


New Follow-up Order Shown in the Follow-up Orders Section on the Order Details Page

You can edit any of the follow-up order's details by selecting the follow-up order and clicking the Edit (icon-edit) icon.

Apply an Order Template to a Checklist Task

This procedure must be completed before you can generate a follow-up order.

To Apply an Order Template to a Checklist Task

1.Click the Administration icon (icon-gear) in the bottom-right corner of the VertiGIS FM Maintenance application.


2.Expand Master data and then click Checklists.

3.Double-click Maintenance.

4.Expand the Items section and select the task to which you want to apply the order template. You can filter the tasks by typing in the Name search box. Alternatively, you can locate the task by double-clicking its checklist in the Checklist of Orders table and then locating the task in the Items section.


5.Under Order Templates, click the Add (icon-add) icon.


6.Select an order template and click Apply.

7.Click Save and Close.

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