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Cost Types

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In VertiGIS FM, a cost type is a category of costs incurred by an organization. Examples includes operating costs and maintenance costs.

Details Page

Each cost type has its own details page. You can access it by navigating to the Costs and Budget search page, selecting Cost Type under Objects, and double-clicking a cost type in the search grid.


Cost Types in Search Page

The cost type details page stores the following details.

Cost Type Details




A number assigned to the cost type.


A name given to the cost type.

Covered Bond








Service Charges


Other Rental Costs



The Accounts section lists the accounts associated with the cost type.


The Documents section lists the documents, including image files, associated with the cost type. Refer to Document Management for more information, including instructions on how to upload a document.

Create a Cost Type

You can create a new cost type on the search page.

To Create a Cost Type

1.Navigate to the Costs and Budget search page.

2.Under Objects, click Cost Type.

3.Click the Add (icon-add) icon.


4.Enter a Number and Name for the cost type. Refer to Cost Type Details for descriptions of all fields.


5.Click Save and Close.

Copy a Cost Type

If you want to create a new cost type that has identical properties to an existing cost type, you can copy a cost type by clicking the Copy (icon-copy) icon on the cost type details page.


Copy Icon

Accounts and documents assigned to the cost type being copied are not copied to the new cost type.

Edit Cost Type

You can edit a cost type individually, or edit the check box selections of multiple check boxes in a batch edit.

Edit an Individual Cost Type

You can edit any cost type details when you edit an individual cost type.

To Edit an Individual Cost Type

1.Navigate to the Costs and Budget search page.

2.Under Objects, click Cost Type.

3.In the search grid, double-click the cost type you want to edit.

4.Click the Edit (icon-edit) icon.


5.Edit the cost type details as required.

6.Click Save and Close.

Batch Edit Cost Type

When you batch edit cost types, you can edit the Rent, Service Charges, Other Rental Costs, Active, and Cross-clients check boxes in one action.

To Batch Edit Cost Type

1.Navigate to the Costs and Budget search page.

2.Under Objects, click Cost Type.

3.Select the cost types you want to edit and click the Edit Cost Types (icon-batch-editing) icon.


4.Use the check boxes at the top of the page to select or deselect the corresponding check boxes for the selected cost types.

To select the corresponding check box for all selected cost types, select both check boxes.


To deselect the corresponding check box for all selected cost types, select the leftmost check box only.


5.Click Save and Close.

Delete a Cost Type

You can delete a cost type on the search page.

To Delete a Cost Type

1.Navigate to the Costs and Budget search page.

2.Under Objects, click Cost Type.

3.Select the cost type you want to delete and click the Delete (icon-delete) icon.


4.Click OK.


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