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Checklists are lists of tasks or conditions a user in the field can mark as complete or unable to be completed. The checklist feature can be leveraged by multiple VertiGIS FM products, including VertiGIS FM Buildings and VertiGIS FM Maintenance. Checklists can be used as requirements to close an order generated by a maintenance strategy or an inspection, or they can be applied directly to an asset, like a building.

In VertiGIS FM Buildings, for example, a checklist can be applied to a building construction group or a building. When an inspection is generated for components within the building construction group, the inspection details page includes sections for the checklists. All tasks on the checklists must be marked as completed for the inspection to be marked finished.

When you double-click a checklist on the details page for an asset the checklist has been applied to, a checklist details page opens.

Checklist Details

The checklist details page is accessed by double-clicking a checklist in the Checklists section on the building construction details page or building details page. It is divided into the following sections.


This section contains general information about the checklist.

Checklist Fields





The category of the checklist. Must be selected from a list of options configured in the system administration.

Hygiene inspection


A number assigned to the checklist.

HygInsp 430-15


Whether the checklist is global. A checklist is global if it was created in the system administration (Administration > Master data > Checklists). A checklist is not global if it was created specifically for a building construction on the building construction details page.




The name given to the checklist.


Kind of inspection

The reason the checklist is carried out.

Property security

Condition / investments


The Items section lists the tasks within the checklist in a table. The table indicates the task, a short description of the task, whether the task is mandatory, and any notes associated with the task.


Items Section on the Checklist Details Page

On the details page for a global Maintenance or Buildings checklist, the Types or Building Constructions section lists the versions or building construction groups the checklist has been applied to. This section does not exist for checklists that were created specifically for a version on the version details page.


Types Section on the Checklist Details Page

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