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Navigation: Buildings

Real Estates

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In VertiGIS FM, real estates refer to sites or areas that contain buildings. Real estates have addresses and are intended specifically for development.

A real estate is not the same thing as a land parcel. Real estates can contain more than one parcel or parts of parcels. Land parcels can have uses other than development and may not necessarily contain any buildings.

Refer to real estate details for information about the real estate details page.

View Real Estates

Existing real estates are viewed on the VertiGIS FM Buildings search page. To access this view, expand Building in the left pane on any VertiGIS FM page and click Search.


Link to Buildings Search Page

The existing properties are shown when you click Real Estates in the Objects section.


Existing Properties on the VertiGIS FM Buildings Search Page

Double click a real estate in the Real Estates section to view its real estate details page.

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