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Building Constructions

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In VertiGIS FM, a building construction refers to a type of component that is associated with an object directly connected to a building, construction stage, floor, or room. Examples include walls, roofs, and façades.

An individual building construction is referred to as a component. When you create a component within a building construction group, it can then be applied to a building, construction stage, floor, or room. Components are organized into groups that share properties on a building construction details page.


Building construction groups are accessed by clicking Building Constructions under Actions on the VertiGIS FM Buildings start page.


Building Constructions Link in Actions Section on VertiGIS FM Start Page

On the groups page, you can create a new group by clicking the Add (icon-add) icon.


Add Icon for Building Construction Groups

You can then enter a name for the new group, select the check boxes to indicate whether the group is safety related and should be immediately active, and save the new group.


New Construction Group Form

Building Construction Details Page

Each building construction group has its own details page. Properties shared by all the individual building constructions (components) within the group are managed on this page.

The building construction details page is accessed by double-clicking a group on the groups page.


Building Construction Details Page


The following details are editable by clicking the Edit (icon-edit) icon in the Building Construction section.

Building Construction Details





The name for the building construction group.



Inner walls

Safety Related

Whether the associated components require an assessment during inspections.




Whether the group is currently active.




The Constructions section lists the types of building constructions within the group that can be selected when you install a new building construction component.


Construction Options for Roofs Building Construction Group

You can double-click any of the options in the Construction section to add or remove options. Options stored in the catalog can be added to the group.


The Materials section lists the materials associated with the building construction group that can be selected when you install a new building construction component.


Material Options for Roofs Building Construction Group

You can double-click any of the options in the Materials section to add or remove options. Options stored in the catalog can be added to the group.


The Properties section lists the custom properties created for the building construction group. Refer to Additional Properties for more information.

Property Categories

The Property Categories section lists the custom sections with custom properties created for the building construction group. Refer to Properties for more information.

Characteristic Values

The Characteristic Values section lists the custom characteristic values created for the building construction group. Refer to Characteristic Values for more information.


The Checklists section lists the checklists that have been applied to the building construction. For information about checklists, including how to create them and apply them to a building construction, click here.

Maintenance Strategies

The Maintenance Strategies section lists the maintenance strategies that are applied to the building construction.


The Components section lists the individual building constructions within the group. For more information, refer to Building Construction Components.

The table in this section lists the name of the individual building construction, its construction and material properties, its size in square metres, and in what building, floor, construction stage, or room it is installed.


Components Section on the Building Construction Page

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