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Manage Billing

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An invoice represent a bill sent from the energy's supplier to its consumer or client, the VertiGIS FM client. In VertiGIS FM Energy, invoices outlining amounts due for energy consumed at a metering point are located in the Costs section on the metering point details page.


Costs Section on Metering Point Details Page

VertiGIS FM generates invoices for a metering point when you

create an accounting entry on the metering point details page and add an invoice to it.

create an invoice in the Costs and Budget module and assign the invoice to the metering point.

acquire energy to store at a metering point designated for storage and create an invoice on the acquisition.

Invoice Statuses

The leftmost column in the Costs section indicates the invoice's status.

Invoice Statuses






The invoice can still be edited.


Checked, but not paid

The invoice is locked and cannot be edited but has not been paid.






The invoice has been paid.

Create an Accounting Entry

To create an invoice for energy consumed at the metering point, you must first create an entry in the accounting section on the metering point details page. This involves entering information about the energy consumption and rates.

To Create an Accounting Entry

1.Navigate to the metering point details page for which you want to enter billing information.

2.Expand the Accounting section and click the Add (icon-add) icon.


3.Select the date marking the beginning of the billing period. In the Until menu, select the date marking the end of the billing period.

4.In the Input menu, select the input method for the energy consumption.

If you select Meter Readings, enter the meter reading value at the beginning of the billing period in the Standard tariff old text box and the meter reading value at the end of the period in the Standard tariff new text box.

If you select Consumption, enter the amount of energy consumed during the billing period in the Consumption menu.

5.Enter additional billing or consumption information as required. Refer to Accounting Details for field descriptions.

6.Click Save and Close.

The entry is now shown in the Accounting section on the metering point details page.


New Accounting Entry

Accounting Details




The date the billing period begins.


The date the billing period ends.


How the amount of energy consumed is entered into the invoice.

Meter readings: meter readings for the dates at the beginning and the end of the billing period are provided.

Consumption: the amount of energy consumed during the billing period is entered. 


The unit of measurement in which the energy being billed in the invoice is measured. This can differ from the unit of measurement specified for the metering point in the metering point details if the supplier bills for consumption using a unit of measurement different from the one used to measure consumption in VertiGIS FM.


If the Input value is Consumption, the total amount of energy in the units specified in the Unit field consumed during the billing period.

Stand­ard tar­iff old

If the Input value is Meter Readings, the meter reading at the beginning of the billing period.

Stand­ard tar­iff new

If the Input value is Meter Readings, the meter reading at the end of the billing period.

En­ergy source


Heat­ing value [kWh/m³]


State num­ber


CO2 emis­sion [kg/kWh]


Primary Energy Factor (fp)

The primary energy factor (PEF), which describes the efficiency when converting energy from a primary source to a secondary carrier.

Primary Energy Factor (fp) (RE)

The PEF for renewable energies.

Primary Energy Factor (fp) (n. RE)

The PEF for non-renewable energies.

Up­date read­ing val­ues?


Date *

The date the invoice is being created.

Cost­s stand­ard tar­iff [€]

The standard consumption price.

Cost­s one-off [€]



The invoice associated with the entry. If no invoice exists for the billing period in the Costs and Budget module, you can create one after you save the entry.

In­voice amount

The amount owed on this invoice.

VAT [%]

The taxes applied to the invoice amount. Selectable options are stored in the country management administration page.

Up­date cost­s of con­sump­tion


Create an Invoice

After you have added an accounting entry for the metering point's consumption, you can add an invoice to it.

To Create an Invoice

1.On the metering point details page, double-click the accounting entry based on which you want to create an invoice.

2.Click the Add (icon-add) icon.


3.Enter the mandatory invoice details:


Invoice no.


Invoice amount


VAT [%]


Refer to Invoice Details for descriptions of all invoice fields.


4.Click Save and Close.

After you save the invoice, VertiGIS FM lists it as Unchecked (order-symbol-red) in the Costs section on the metering point details page.


New Invoice in Costs Section

Invoice Details




The type of invoice:

Outgoing invoice

Incoming invoice

Internal company billing


A descriptor for the invoice:

Credit note

Final invoice

Progress payment invoices


The supplier providing the energy and sending the invoice. Selectable options are stored in the Contact Management module.

The contact selected in this field must have the Supplier Contact Type assigned and a Creditor no. entered in the Supplier section.



The date the invoice is issued.


The country whose tax information is applied to the invoice. Selectable options are stored and activated in the Country Management module in the Administration section (Administration > Master Data > Country Management).


The currency for monetary amounts on the invoice. This value is associated with the country selected in the Country field.

Invoice amount

The fees to be paid for the goods or services outlined by the invoice.

Net means the amount does not include taxes. The tax rate selected in the VAT [%] menu will be added to the Invoice Amount to make the Gross Amount.

Gross means the amount already includes taxes. The tax rate selected i the VAT [%] menu will be subtracted from the Invoice Amount to make the Net Value.

Gross amount

If Gross is selected in the Invoice Amount, the invoice amount plus the taxes from the selection in the VAT [%] field. This is the full amount to be paid on the invoice.

Net value

If Net is selected in the Invoice Amount, the invoice amount minus the taxes from the selected in the VAT [%] field. This is the amount due minus taxes.

Cost splitting



The account from which the funds for the invoice will be paid.

Cost cen­ter

The cost center associated with the invoice.

Cost object



The value added tax applied to the invoice. Selectable options are stored in the Country Management module in the Administration section (Administration > Master Data > Country Management).

Tax key


Dis­coun­t days / %


Pay­ment due date [days]





A subject line for the invoice message.


A description of the contents of the invoice.

Mark an Invoice as Checked or Paid

Marking an invoice as checked or paid updates its status from Unchecked (order-symbol-red) to Checked (order-symbol-green) or Paid (order-symbol-tick). Refer to Invoice Statuses for status descriptions.

To Mark an Invoice as Checked or Paid

1.On the metering point details page, double-click the invoice whose status you want to update in the Costs section.

2.Click the Edit (icon-edit) icon.


3.Select the Checked check box to update the invoice's status or Checked, or select the Paid check box to update the invoice's status to Paid.


VertiGIS FM programmatically marks the invoice as checked if you update its status from Unchecked to Paid.

4.Click Save and Close.

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