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CAD Settings

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CAD Settings are accessed from any page in VertiGIS FM by clicking Administration > Settings > Product Settings > CAD. This page includes a range of configurations related to imported drawings.


CAD Section in Product Settings

The various CAD settings are outlined below.

CAD Settings

CAD Setting


Stamp insertion point allowed on polyline

Whether an insertion point can be placed directly on the polyline. Normally, it should be within the polygon.

Viewer device-layer per execution

Whether a layer is created for each device version in the drawing. If set to No, devices are all displayed in one layer that can be shown or hidden in the viewer.

Viewer inventory-layer per execution

Whether a layer is created for each inventory version  in the drawing. If set to No, inventories are all displayed in one layer that can be shown or hidden in the viewer.

Number of pixel per meter for localisation symbol


Viewer room block nothing is above the first attribute

A setting that prevents the room stamp from being set too high and protruding beyond the polyline if it has an insertion point at the level of the first attribute.

Import also resets the database to empty for active attributes

Whether the import of a CAD drawing should overwrite all details and properties for an object (for example, a room), even if they do not exist as attributes in the drawing.

Consideration of device objects at the import

Whether devices can be created through the CAD drawing import. To allow the import of CAD drawings with device attributes, this value must be 1.

Structural level of asset identification key during import

The maximum number of levels in the asset structure for devices being imported through the CAD drawing. The standard value is 3, for the asset to have a groupdesignation, and version.

Consideration of door-objects during import

Whether doors should be created through the CAD drawing import. The value must be 1 to import a CAD drawing that contains door or gate attributes.

Consideration of inventory-objects during import

Whether inventories can be created through the CAD drawing import. To allow the import of CAD drawings with inventory attributes, this value must be 1.

Structural level of inventory identification key during import

The maximum number of levels in the asset structure for inventories being imported through the CAD drawing. The standard value is 2, for the inventory to have a group and a version.

Import layer only as in management settings

Whether only layers present in DXF Layers under CAD Administration should be imported.

Room-polyline without storey  properties are fields

Whether the import log should indicate an error if room polylines are not closed.

Consideration of window-objects during imports

Whether windows can be created through the CAD drawing import. To allow the import of CAD drawings with window attributes, this value must be 1.

Standard text height of the topic-caption inside/within the viewer

The default height of the text for legend topics in the viewer.

Text with object path of the storey  within viewer

The default height of the text of the object path in the viewer.

Topic legend inside viewer

Whether the topic legend should display in the viewer.

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