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The following are the new features for the versions released so far:

1.7, 1.6, 1.5, 1.4, 1.3, 1.2, 1.1, 1.0.

1.7 - July2024 Jump to all versions

Basic software

The new VertiGIS Studio Web Version 5.31 with its new features serves as the basis.


A new option to draw cross-sections on the map.


Analysis of the Terminal connections in the Utility Network.


New Snapping toolbar on the map to turn snapping On/Off for Markup and Measure.

1.6 - July2024 Jump to all versions

Basic software

The new VertiGIS Studio Web Version 5.30 with its new features serves as the basis.

Cross Sections

New component to display the cross section of a trench content.


The Subnetworks panel can now handle a very large number of subnetworks through paging.

1.5 - April 2024 Jump to all versions

Basic software

The new VertiGIS Studio Web Version 5.29 with its new features serves as the basis.

Show Subnetworks

Subnetworks in the Network Explorer can be displayed, localized and thus analyzed in order to obtain an overview of the network structure.

For quick identification, the subnetworks in the results list are now also displayed with their graphical characteristics.

1.4 - January 2024 Jump to all versions

User Guidance

In the quick access functions area, you can now switch to the previous or next map view with the corresponding zoom level.

Documentation in the new layout

New VertiGIS layout for Networks documentation with improved scaling options for low space requirements. This means that the documentation is also ideal for use on small monitors.

Show Network Diagram

The functionality and user guidance have been expanded. Among other things, there are now additive filter options for displaying network diagrams.


Optimized User Guidance

Display of associations now also available in the context menu of asset results.

1.3 - November 2023 Jump to all versions

Show Attributes of a feature

The attributes of a feature can now be displayed in a new attribute form.

These attributes can be changed using configurable attribute forms . Developer documentation is available for the administrator to customize these attribute forms.


A configurable context menu can be used to store typical, recurring actions that can be executed on the selected network feature.

The associations of an associated network feature can also be displayed.

Improvement of the user guidance

Network Trace

The new event tracing.trace-completed has been added. It is now possible to configure the app using the Studio Event Service so that any Studio Web Command or workflow is automatically executed after a network trace has been completed.


Improve the loading speed when launching the application.

In parallel, bug fixing was done on all existing functionalities.

1.2 - July 2023 Jump to all versions

Show Associations

This function can be used to show the associations between network features that are nonspatial and non-coincident objects on the map. A utility network can have the following types of associations:

Connectivity Associations

Containment Associations

Structural Attachment Associations

For more information, see Esri's ArcGIS Pro Help.

Query Builder

Through this VertiGIS Studio query tool, queries can be executed on a layer according to specific characteristics using search and filter functions. Further information is available in the VertiGIS Studio Web documentation in the chapter What's new about the Query Tool.

Language Setting

In the user settings, the display language of the application with the respective variants can be selected between English and German.

Network Tracing

Only the named trace configurations that also match the current start marker are now displayed. For example, if you set a start marker on a water pipe, only the tracing for the domain water will be displayed.

In parallel, bug fixing was done on all existing functionalities.

1.1 - March 2023 Jump to all versions

Subtype group layers (composite feature layers)

Performance improvement, since actions (such as panning, zooming, otherwise redisplaying) can be performed on groups of layers rather than on individual layers.
Further information on Subtype group layers can be found in the Esri ArcGIS Pro Help.

Redesign Network Tracing

The Analyze Networks function has been redesigned.

1.0 - November 2022 Jump to all versions

Central functions are information, network trace and to run network diagrams on the basis of networks.

In detail, the following functions are available:

Visualize network data as thematic maps (across all domains)

Object Search
Search and find assets in a network

Querying Data
Identify and display asset attribute information

Network Tracing
Analyze network thematically and topologically

Call-up domain-specific predefined queries

Schematics or Diagrams
Visualize prepared network diagrams or diagrams

Export results from tables and lists (e.g. Excel, Shapefile)

Drawings and notes in maps

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Documentation Version 1.7