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Navigation: Applied Analysis > Create Feature

Insert New Point into Line

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A new point feature is to be added on an existing line in the Utility Network (UN). This step is started with the Create Feature function:

To insert a new point onto an existing line:

1.Go to the Home tab then click on Create Feature, or go to toolbar > Edit > Create Feature. In the left side panel, the Create Feature tab opens.

2.Select line
The Select Feature button is used to select the line on the map where a new net point is to be inserted.

3.Select Feature Template
The point feature templates that can be placed on the selected line according to the UN parameterization are displayed. The desired net point to be inserted can be selected.

4.Place feature on line
The selected point feature can now be placed on the line with a mouse click.
The snap mode is automatically activated.

5.Assign attributes for feature
The attribute mask opens, in which the attributes available for the newly generated point are displayed and further attributes can be assigned and confirmed.

6.Check split of the line
After that, the system checks how the line is split according to the selected net point and displays a corresponding feedback.
A confirmation dialog may have to be answered with Yes/No.

If a new net point is inserted by snapping on a line (not on the endpoints!), the function checks if the line can be split (if net point and line belong to the same network domain, e.g. water, gas or electricity).
The following results of the test are possible, justified by the interaction of the selected UN feature and the parameterized line:
- The line must be split.
- The line can be optionally split.
- The line must not be split.
- Placing the net point will result in a topological error (regardless of whether it would be split or not).

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