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Select Compatible Feature Templates

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When creating features in a topological network, it is essential that the features to be connected are compatible with each other. Only then is a functioning supply network guaranteed, on which, for example, correct network tracking can be carried out.

The function of the Compatible Feature Templates is based on the rules of the utility network. Thus, for a feature selected in the map, only the appropriate templates for creating a connection feature that match the data model are offered.

To select compatible feature templates:

1.Create Feature by either going to the Home tab and selecting Create Feature, or by going to the Toolbar > Edit > Create Feature. In the left side panel, the Create Feature tab opens.

2.Select Feature
The first time this function is used during a session, the following text is displayed: Select a network feature in the map to display the compatible feature templates.

Compatible templates appear according to the network rules: junction-edge, edge-junction-edge and extension of edges

This function can be reactivated at any time during a session at VNE_BT_KompatFeature.

3.Identify feature in map
The mouse pointer changes to a cross symbol and an existing feature type, which serves as the basis for extensions, can be identified in the map with a mouse click. The network-topologically compatible templates for this feature type are displayed in the left side panel.

4.Select compatible feature templates
The desired template is selected with a mouse click. It is highlighted with a green bar and the system switches to drawing mode. Optionally, this template can be added to the favorites list VNE_Bt_Hinzufügen-Favoriten.

5.Draw feature in the map
The mouse cursor can be placed on the pre-identified feature or a feature of the same type. The possible placement options are highlighted by the snapping mode so that the new feature can be correctly placed on the feature being expanded.

The activated snapping mode can be recognized by the circle around the mouse pointer.

The snapping mode can be deactivated by holding down the ALT key.

The process can be canceled at any time by pressing the ESC key.

Displaying the possible placement points in snapping mode may require a short reaction time.

6.Enter attributes
The attributes mask opens. The required values can be entered and the new feature can be saved.

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Documentation Version 1.9