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After the feature selection has been made, the geometry of each individual feature can be changed.

This function is inactive for grouped features in the list. By clicking on this group, the individual features are displayed and the function is available for each feature.

Parallel editing of geometry and attributes is not possible.

To avoid unwanted changes to the database, it is strongly recommended that feature changes are made in a version. Only after a reconcile should this version be returned to the original dataset.

VN_Bt_Edit_Geometry Edit Geometry

1.Start editing the geometry
After selecting the features to be edited, these are listed in the Results tab. The Edit geometry function can be activated via various access options:

a.Toolbar > Edit tab

b.Actions Menu VN_Bt_ThreeDots Edit Geometry of a selected feature

2.Edit Geometry
After activating this function, a collapsible menu with further functions for editing the geometry appears on the left-hand edge of the map.



Information about the keyboard shortcuts for easier operation.



Enable high precision input.



Undo the last operation.



Redo the next operation.



Discard all changes to this geometry.



Keep all changes to this geometry and proceed.


Remove vertex

Remove current geometry vertex.

This function is displayed when a vertex has been selected.

The vertices of the feature geometry can be grabbed and moved with the mouse pointer and edited with the support of the above-mentioned functions.

The basis for editing the geometry is the VertiGIS Studio Web sketch tool. Keyboard shortcuts for easier operation can also be found in the VertiGIS Studio Web documentation in the chapter Geometry-editing Keyboard Shortcuts.

3.Snapping Options

While sketching, the snapping options can be changed using the toolbar on the right-hand side of the map. The following options are available:


Snapping ON

Current state is Snapping ON.
Activates snapping guides on all supported layers.


Snapping OFF

Current state is Snapping OFF.
Deactivates snapping guides on all layers where snapping is not required.


Snapping with Utility Network Rules ON

If this function is switched on, Utility Network Assets are snapped according to the connectivity rules of the utility network.

The "Snapping ON" function must be active for this mode to be effective.


Snapping with Utility Network Rules OFF

If this function is switched off, Utility Network Assets snap all the layers on the map.

The "Snapping ON" function must be active for this mode to be effective.

Snapping can also be deactivated by holding down the Alt key until snapping deactivates.

4.Save Changes
Changes made to the geometry can be saved or discarded.

If the geometry of existing lines is changed so that a line end point ends at a network point for which terminals are defined, the line is automatically connected to the appropriate terminal(s).
If the changed line cannot be clearly connected to a terminal, the terminal dialog is displayed. The user can manually connect the line to the desired terminal. See also chapter Connecting Terminals.

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