With a utility network, you can model features to a high degree of realism with terminals on devices and junction objects. Features in the field have defined locations or ports from which resources, such as electricity and water, flow in and out. In a utility network, these connections can optionally be modeled with terminals. This means that terminals are not geometric features, but exist as logical connection points on a device or junction object.
For example, in an electric system, the high-side terminal of a distribution transformer can be connected to a line with medium voltage, and the low-side terminal to a line with low voltage. This behavior is enforced using network rules.
A key use of terminals is to define the origin of a subnetwork. In an electrical system, subnetwork typically begins at the load side of a switch in a substation. Some external analysis software, such as electric voltage drop analysis, relies on a complete definition of devices that includes terminal definitions.
Not all features require the definition of terminals. If a feature has two terminals that are equal and interchangeable, such as the two sides of a switch or valve, you do not need to define terminals.
Further information on terminals can be found in the ArcGIS Pro on the Esri website.
To connect a terminal:
1.Go to Toolbar > Selection > Terminals. In the left side panel, the Terminal tab opens.
2.Select components with available terminals
Various tools are available for displaying point-shaped devices and their available terminals on the map.
Depending on which assets are to be listed with terminals and associated information, the following functions are available for selection:
Load identified map objects |
Load the desired map objects with a mouse click on a map object or by drawing a rectangle over a map area. |
Load selected map objects |
Load the information on any terminal already selected in the map from another step or with another selection function. |
Load map objects from extent |
Load information on all terminals available in the current map section. |
Remove All |
All selected terminals and associated information are removed from the results list. |
With a small-scale section, a large number of components with terminals may be output and the response time may be longer.
The result set of the assets with terminals found by the respective selection function is divided into the sections Active asset and Available Terminals.
3.Edit devices with terminals
a.First, one or more assets found are listed. The following context functions are available directly behind this via the action menu .
Remove |
Remove feature |
Zoom to |
Zoom to the feature |
Pan |
Pan to the feature |
Pulse |
Briefly highlight feature on the map |
Enable geometry editing of this feature |
Enable attribute editing of this feature |
Use the < > arrow buttons to switch between the different active assets.
The circular green number of the "Active asset" means that the information displayed below it belongs to this active component.
At the same time, this feature marked in green is highlighted on the map.
b.Available terminals
If geometrically connected lines are found at the end points of the actively selected asset with defined terminals, these are listed below the Not connected to terminal area if they are not yet connected to a terminal. Geometrically connected lines that are already connected to a terminal are listed in the area of the corresponding terminal.
c.Connecting lines
If one or more geometrically connected lines are offered for selection, they can be connected to a terminal or disconnected from a terminal using drag & drop on the line.
By taking the UN rules into account, an impermissible connection is prevented, as the lines offered can only be connected in accordance with the rules.
The lines on offer are already captured exactly at the terminal.
Newly created lines are automatically connected to the appropriate terminals if the line end points are geometrically connected to network points for which terminals are defined.
If a newly created line cannot be clearly connected to a terminal, the terminal dialog is displayed. The user can manually connect the line to the desired terminal.
d.Edit connected lines
The following editing steps can be carried out via the action menu :
Disconnect |
Disconnect line feature from terminal. Alternatively, remove using drag & drop. |
Zoom to |
Zoom to the feature |
Enable attribute editing of this feature |