•Fixed an issue that prevented the Process Manager container from starting correctly when an unfederated ArcGIS Server was referenced in the configuration.
•We Introduced the Cockpit App a dedicated application for searching and retrieving locate requests from the database. This app is meant to be used by internal employees of the utility to search within the request database.
•Added support for resending historical requests in the orderbook.
•Introduced a quick filter for faster and easier access to previous locate requests.
•Introduced separation of internal realm (used for Admin Client, Cockpit App, Kubernetes Dashboard) and external realm (user for Network Locator Client) for security reasons.
•Upgraded to VertiGIS Studio Web 5.33 and VertiGIS Studio Workflow 5.42
•Upgraded to KeyCloak 26.0
•Updated base libraries to improve performance and security.
•Added the option to deploy the Kubernetes Dashboard web application to the Kubernetes cluster as an optional feature. The Kubernetes Dashboard provides a user-friendly interface for monitoring and managing the cluster, allowing users to view resource usage, troubleshoot issues, and manage workloads such as pods, deployments, and services. This can be particularly useful if you do not have another Kubernetes monitoring tool in place. However, if you already use a monitoring tool, deploying this dashboard is not necessary.
•We introduced a new landing page as the starting point for the Network Locator WebApp. Users will now begin their journey here. The page can be customized using standard Keycloak theming techniques to align with corporate design guidelines.
•Starting with this version, the user authentication is done directly against the Network Locator User Management (KeyCloak). Additional Esri Named User for every user is not required anymore.
•We further refined our Helm charts to simplify the deployment process on Kubernetes clusters, ensuring an even smoother deployment experience.
•Version 1.0 is the initial release of Network Locator, providing basic locate request processing capabilities. This version is fully cloud-based, with web services running exclusively in a Kubernetes cluster.