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Role Concept

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Network Locator supports a role-based configuration management approach to allow for fine-grained control over settings and preferences, tailoring the user experience to different groups and users. The basic principle is straightforward - we have default settings that apply universally unless explicitly overridden for a specific role. When a setting is overridden for a role, the overwritten value takes precedence over the default.


Network Locator defines two types of roles:

Access roles

Config roles

Access Roles (vnl_acc_*)

Access Roles control user access to specific endpoints:

vnl_acc_user: Required for access to the public Network Locator Client

vnl_acc_admin: Required for access to the Network Locator Admin Client

vnl_acc_cockpit: Required for access to the Network Locator Cockpit Client

Config Roles (vnl_cfg_*)

Config Roles determine the configuration settings assigned to a user at runtime. They are used to implement the overrides concept.

To be recognized by the system, a Config Role name must adhere to a specific naming convention.

It must follow the pattern vnl_cfg_*, where the asterisk (*) can be replaced with an arbitrary name.

Each user may be assigned multiple Access roles, but can only have one Config role at a time. If a user is assigned multiple Config roles, the system will randomly select one of these roles to evaluate the overrides.


Default Settings

Purpose: Default settings provide a baseline configuration that apply universally to all users, ensuring consistent behavior and experience across the system.

Example: Suppose the default setting for the allowed print scales is "scales": "500, 1000". This means that unless otherwise specified, all users can choose between these scales

Role-Specific Settings

Purpose: Role-specific settings allow customization of the default behavior for particular groups of users based on their roles, enhancing usability and efficiency.

Example: If an internal group of users requires additional print scales, we can override the default setting for this role to, say, "scales": "100, 250, 500, 1000"

How Role-Based Settings Work

Inheritance of Default Settings:

oAll roles initially inherit the default settings, forming the foundational configuration for every role.

Overwriting Default Settings:

oWhen a role requires a different configuration for a particular setting, this setting is explicitly overridden. The overridden value takes precedence over the default value.

oOnly the specified settings are overridden; the rest of the default settings remain unchanged and continue to apply to the role.

Precedence of Role-Specific Settings:

oThe system always checks for role-specific settings first. If a setting is overridden for a role, the overridden value is used.

oIf no role-specific override is found for a setting, the system falls back to the default setting.


JSON Structure for Configuration Management

To implement this role-based configuration management, we introduce a new level in the process-manager configuration. This new level allows for partial overrides of the settings. The JSON structure stored in the database is organized as follows:

  "vertigis": {
     "network-locator": {
        "default": {
           "print-output": {
                 "scales": "250,500,1000"
        "overrides": {
           "vnl_cfg_user": {
              "scales": "100, 250, 500,1000"


default: Contains the base set of configurations that apply universally unless overridden.

overrides: Contains a map of role-specific overrides, which can include a subset of the base configuration set.

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