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If you create a dashboard object whose Presentation Type is Template, you can add traditional dashboard objects to the start page. Many of these objects are shown on VertiGIS FM start pages by default before you customize the dashboard.


Template Options

Refer to Default Start Pages for examples.

Template options vary depending on the VertiGIS FM product whose dashboard you are customizing. The Actions and Operational Procedures templates, for example, include links to different pages and workflow shortcuts for each product.


The Actions template is a list of key links and resources for the VertiGIS FM product selected in the Product menu. Your users often require these links to complete tasks within each VertiGIS FM product.


Actions Template for VertiGIS FM Maintenance

When you add an Actions template to the dashboard, you must specify the product whose Actions template you want to add.


Actions Template for VertiGIS FM Energy

Not all VertiGIS FM products and modules have an Actions template associated with them.

Refer to the links below for information on the contents of various VertiGIS FM products' Actions templates:

VertiGIS FM Buildings

VertiGIS FM Energy

VertiGIS FM Maintenance

Operational Procedures

The Operational Procedures template contains a set of shortcut links for the VertiGIS FM product whose dashboard you are editing. Your users require access to these buttons to complete tasks within several VertiGIS FM products and modules.


Operational Procedures Template for VertiGIS FM Maintenance

Refer to the links below for information on the contents of various VertiGIS FM products' Operational Procedures templates:

VertiGIS FM Energy

VertiGIS FM Maintenance

Queries and Reports

If you add the Queries or Reports templates to your dashboard, your users will see links to search queries and download links for reports, respectively, that the administrator has made available on the start page for their user roles.


Reports Section


Queries Section

Refer to Report and Query Permissions for more information.

Task-Based Templates

Templates for task-based data objects, like appointments, subcontracts, service desk tickets, and work orders, are available start page dashboards for various VertiGIS FM products and modules. These templates typically show the user signed in the tasks assigned to the employee associated with their user.


Appointments Section on the VertiGIS FM Maintenance Start Page

These templates are included in the most VertiGIS FM products' and modules' default start pages, meaning they are displayed if the dashboard has not been customized.

Refer to the links below to see examples of task-based templates available for the dashboards for various VertiGIS FM products and modules:

VertiGIS FM Buildings start page

VertiGIS FM Energy start page

VertiGIS FM Maintenance start page

Service Desk start page

Contact Management start page

Document Management start page

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