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Manage Cost Center Groups

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Cost center groups are data objects that group cost centers for analytical purposes. For example, you could create a cost center group for schools in a school district, and add individual schools that exist as cost centers in the VertiGIS FM database to the group.

Details Page

Each cost center group in the VertiGIS FM database has its own details page, which stores the data and sections below.

You can access a cost center group's details page from the Costs and Budget search page. Under Objects, click Cost Center Groups, and then double-click the group whose details page you want to open.


Cost Center Groups on Search Page

Cost Center Group

The Cost Center Group section stores the cost center group's high-level details.

Cost Center Group Details




The cost center group's number.


The name of the cost center group.


Whether the cost center groups in the group are currently in use.



Cost Centers

The Cost Centers section lists the cost center groups in the group. In this section, you can add a new cost center to the cost center group.


Cost Center Group Section

Refer to Add a Cost Center to a Cost Center Group Group.


The Documents section lists the documents, including image files, associated with the cost center group. Refer to Document Management for more information, including instructions on how to upload a document.

Add a Cost Center Group

You can add a new cost center group to your VertiGIS FM database on the Costs and Budget search page.

To Add a New Cost Center Group

1.Navigate to the Costs and Budget search page.


2.Under Objects, click Cost Center Group.

3.Click Add (icon-add).


4.At minimum, enter a number for the new group. Refer to Cost Center Group Details for descriptions of all fields in the form.


5.Click Save or Save and Close.

Add Cost Centers to a Cost Center Group

There are two ways to add a cost center to the cost center group.

Add Existing Cost Centers to a Cost Center Group

You can add cost centers that already exist in the VertiGIS FM database to a cost center group on the cost center's details page.

To Add an Existing Cost Center to a Cost Center Group

1.Navigate to the details page for the cost center you want to add to the cost center group.

2.Click the Edit (icon-edit) icon.


3.Click the Cost Center Group drop-down menu and select the cost center group to which you want to assign the cost center.


4.Click Save and Close.

Add a New Cost Center

You can add a new cost center and add it to a cost center group at the same time by clicking the Add (icon-add) icon in the Cost Centers section on the cost center group details page.


Adding New Cost Center to Cost Center Group

This action opens the form to add a new cost center to the VertiGIS FM database. The cost center group group whose details page you started the process on is preselected in the Cost Center Group field.


Preselected Cost Center Group for New Cost Center

Remove a Cost Center from a Cost Center Group

You can remove a cost center from a cost center group when you edit the details page of the cost center you want to remove from the group. To remove the group, select None in the Cost Center Group menu before saving.


Removing a Cost Center from a Cost Center Group

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