A building has a Rent Details page, which stores information about its rental space and rental units, if the Rentable/Leasable check box is selected in the Basic Data section. You can access the Basic Data section and enable the Rentable/Leasable setting when you edit the building's details.
Rentable/Leasable Setting
When you save the building with this selection, a Rent Details () icon appears on the building details page.
Rent Details Icon
The rent details page is divided into the sections below.
Rent Details Page
The Basic Data Rent/Lease section stores basic data about the building's rental space.
Basic Data Rent/Lease Fields
Detail |
Description |
Rental/leased area fixed |
Rental/leased area [m2] |
The area that can be rented in square meters. |
Calculation method |
Ownership interests |
Ratio of rental/leased area subject to VAT [%] |
Comment |
Edit Icon for Rent/Lease Data
The Rental Units section lists the rental units in the building.
Rental Units Section
You can double-click a rental unit in this section to navigate to its details page. For more information about rental units, including instructions on how to create rental units within a building, refer to Rental Units.
Rental units are managed in the Rental Management module, which is included in the license for VertiGIS FM Contracts.
The Allocation Key lists the allocation keys to which the building has been accessed. Allocation keys are used to split costs for a building between the tenants or renters associated with the building's various rental agreements.