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Navigation: Buildings > Buildings

Add, Edit, or Delete a Building

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Add a Building

In VertiGIS FM Buildings, buildings must be associated with a real estate. Buildings are therefore added in the Buildings section on the real estate details page.

To Add a Building

1.Access the real estate details page for the real estate to which you are adding the new building.

2.Expand the Buildings section and click the Add (icon-add) icon.

3.Enter the building data in the corresponding fields on the form for the data. Only the Name and State fields are mandatory. Address details are inherited from the property details. Refer to building details for more information.


The new building's real estate is indicated in the Real Estate field, which cannot be edited.

4.Expand the Basic Data and Areal Balance tabs and enter any relevant information for the new building. The form may display additional forms depending on the settings of the building's real estate. Refer to building details for more information.

5.Click Save and Close.

When you save the new building, the new building details page for the building displays.


Building Details Page for a New Building

You can double-click the real estate in the Navigation section to navigate back to the real estate details page. On the real estate details page, you can see the new building in the Buildings section.


New Building Shown in the Buildings Section on the Property Details Page

Edit a Building

Follow the procedure below to edit the details of an existing building.

Edit a Building

1.Navigate to the real estate details page for the property that has the building you want to edit.

2.Expand the Building section and double-click the building whose details you want to edit. Alternatively, select the building you want to edit and click the View Details (icon-view-details) icon.

3.On the building details page, click the Edit (icon-edit) icon.


4.Edit the building's details as required.

5.Click Save and Close.

Delete a Building

Follow the procedure below to delete an existing building.

To Delete a Building

1.Access the real estate details page for the real estate that has the building you want to delete.

2.Expand the Building section.

3.Select the building you want to delete and click the Delete (icon-delete) icon.


4.Click OK.

You can also delete a building on the search page by selecting the building in the search grid and clicking the Delete (icon-delete) icon.

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