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An IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) file is an exchange format file for a BIM (Building Information Model). A BIM provides a 3D representation of a facility. It can include building elements, materials, and spatial relationships. A BIM file can show and link to inventories, devices, doors, and windows that exist in the system.


Imported IFC File Shown on the Room Details Page

IFC files imported into VertiGIS FM can contain structured data on the buildings, floors, rooms, and other objects that exist in the database, like devices, inventories, windows, and doors. The BIM can display these objects graphically and allow users to link to their details pages by clicking on them. Importing an IFC file provides an alternative to manually creating these items in VertiGIS FM.

IFC files cannot be imported for objects (buildings, floors, and rooms) that already have a CAD file imported. A building can be supported by a 2D model or a 3D model, but not by both.

This documentation does not outline how to create IFC files using building information modelling software. The creator of the IFC file must know how to structure the data in the file so that it can be imported for a real estate in VertiGIS FM.

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