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Contact Management Catalog

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The catalogs below are used to store selectable options for assets and features for contact management. You can add options to these catalogs or edit existing ones by clicking Administration > Master Data > Catalog Management > Contact Management.

Contact Catalog Sections



Contact Types

The contact types that can be applied to a company. The default contact types are all associated with a VertiGIS FM product and can be applied to a company, contact, or employee to make the company available for selection in the corresponding product. Enabling contact types also make corresponding sections and features available on the company, contact, or employee details pages.

In this section, you can also select the Only Company or Only Contact Employee check boxes depending on where you want to enable to disable the contact type. 

Refer to Contact Types for more information.


This section stores the salutations that can be selected for a contact stored in VertiGIS FM.


This section stores the sectors that can be associated with a contact or a company in VertiGIS FM.

Type of Responsibility

This section stores the options that can be selected when you add a person to a Responsibility section for an asset and need to assign them a role. For example, these entries may be selected when you're assigning responsibilities for a real estate in VertiGIS FM Buildings.

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