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In VertiGIS FM Buildings, a defect is a problem that can be logged against a real estate, building, floor, construction stage, room, or building construction component. Defects are shown in the Defects section on the details page for the asset.


Defects Section on the Device Details Page

The number shown in the Number column is automatically assigned to a defect when you add it.

Add a Defect

Defects are created on the details page (e.g., device details page, order details page, or service desk details page) for whatever type of object against which you are logging the defect.

To Add a Defect

1.Navigate to the details page for the device, component, or object against which you are logging the defect.

2.Expand the Defects section and click the Add (icon-add) icon.

Alternatively, you can create a defect on the search page and then assign it to an object.

3.In the Defect form, click the arrow (icon-arrow-button) in the Type box.

4.In the Selection: Type dialog, double-click a deficiency category, and then select a sub-category and click Apply. Selectable options are stored in the Type(defects) catalog.


5.Ensure the data entered by default in the other form fields are accurate. Optionally, you can specify a deadline in the Intended Deadline field, or enter any additional details in the Description or Comment fields.


The Recorded On and Recorded By fields auto-populate with the current date and time and your VertiGIS FM user name.

6.Click Save and Close.

The new defect can be seen in the Defects section on the details page on which you added it (e.g., the device details page, component details page, or order details page).


New Defect Logged in the Defects Section

Log a Defect as Fixed

When a defect affecting an object or component is fixed, you can change its status to Completed by editing it.

To Log a Defect as Fixed

1.In the Defects section, select the defect that has been fixed and click the Edit (icon-edit) icon.

2.From the State drop-down menu, select Completed.


3.Click Save and Close.

Batch Edit Defects

You can edit multiple defects at the same time by using the batch editing feature. To do this, select the defects you want to edit and click the Batch Editing (icon-batch-editing) icon. If you don't select any defect and then click the Batch Editing (icon-batch-editing) icon, the edits will be applied to all defects logged against the device or component.

In the example below, the status of two defects are simultaneously being changed to Completed. The defects whose status are being changed are shown in the Adopted Elements section.


Batch Editing Form for Defects

When you click Apply to All and then OK, the status of both defects update.


Two Defects Batch Edited

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