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Identify Features

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The Identify function can be used to identify features in the map and quickly display their attributes. Due to its importance, this function is placed in various locations in the Solution for quick access:

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Quick Access

Right click in the Map window at the desired marker position.


VN_Bt_Identify Identify

1.Select Feature(s)
Click on the desired feature on the map or use a rectangle selection to select the area on the map for which the features and associated attributes are to be displayed.

2.Show Attributes
The attributes are displayed in the left side panel. If multiple features have been selected, a small window appears in the map window with the Result Summary in which it is possible to navigate through the individual features. The display of the attributes is valid for the respective feature marked in green. At the same time, this selected feature is highlighted in the map.

Using the function VN_Bt_Delete-All Delete in the Quick Access window, the “Results” tab can be removed and the map view is reset.

Differentiated treatment of features and their results is available through the Select tool group.

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