The strand diagram provides a visual representation of main and submeter metering points in your metering point hierarchies in VertiGIS FM Energy.
Strand Diagram
You can also see visualizations of your metering point hierarchies using Sankey Diagrams, which also reflect the network's total consumption and the individual flow of each of the main metering point's submeters.
You can access the strand diagram by clicking Strand Diagram under Actions on the VertiGIS FM Energy start page.
Start Page Link to Strand Diagram
At the top level, the strand diagram sorts all metering points in the VertiGIS FM database by their energy form.
Strand Diagram with Energy Forms Collapsed
A metering point's energy form is defined in its metering point details.
Click the triangle next to the energy form to see the metering points associated with the energy form.
Expanded Energy Form
Energy forms preceded by a bullet point instead of a triangle have no energy forms and cannot be expanded.
If the metering point has a meter assigned to it, the meter is indicated to the right of the metering point.
Strand Diagram
You can navigate to the metering point's details page by selecting the metering point in the strand diagram and clicking the View Details () icon.
Navigating to Metering Point Details Page
If the metering point is the main metering point in a metering point hierarchy, you can click the triangle next to it to view its subordinate metering points. You can continue expanding metering points that have their own subordinate metering points within the hierarchy.
Metering Point Hierarchy in Strand Diagram
Click the Navigate () icon to collapse the last section you expanded or to expand the last section you collapsed.