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Navigation: Energy > Energy Report

Charts and Tables

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To see basic visualizations of consumption data for an asset, select a building in the Buildings section, a service area in the Service Areas section, or a metering point in the Metering Points section on the Energy Report page and click the Energy Report (icon-energy-report) icon.


Energy Report Icon

Filter Data

Charts and tables on the energy report page show different data that varies based on the years entered in the From, Until, and Base year text boxes in the Filter section at the top of the page. Available data also depends on the energy form associated with the selected data objects. Buildings and service areas can show comparisons between consumption data for different energy forms depending on the energy forms associated with their metering points. Because a metering point can only be associated with a single energy form, the energy report page for a metering point will only show data for its one energy form.

You can hide data for an energy form by deselecting its check box in the Medium section, or show the data by selecting it.


Energy Report Medium Check Boxes

Energy Forms

Most charts and tables energy report page show energy consumption for a given energy form: heating, electricity, or water. In charts, heating consumption is shown in red, electricity consumption is shown in green, and water consumption is shown in blue. Charts and tables that compare consumption of various energy forms show all three colors.


Chart Comparing the Consumption Costs for the Heating, Water, and Electricity in a Building

Target Values and Thresholds

You can display target values (desired energy consumption levels) and thresholds (consumption levels above which the Enter value's energy usage should never surpass) on the charts available on the Energy Report page. The graphs visualize these levels against the Enter value's actual energy consumption.


Energy Balance Graph with Threshold and Target Value

You can hide the target values or threshold by clicking their buttons in the legend at the top of the graph.

For buildings, target values and thresholds are set in the Building Management Usage (Usage.xls) import file, which you can download on the Administration > Interfaces > Import page.


File for Importing Target Values and Thresholds

You can then enter the target values and threshold values in the corresponding cells in the rows whose buildings you want to set the values for.


Excel File for Target Values and Thresholds

When you have entered the intended values, you can import the file into VertiGIS FM. Refer to Import for more information.

Contact support for assistance importing target values and thresholds. For service areas, the target and threshold values are set in the Target Values and Limits section on the service area details page. To set the target and threshold values for the Enter value, click the Edit (icon-edit) icon.


Target Values and Limits Section

You may need to edit the section authorization to see the Target Values and Limits section on the service area details page.

You can define individual sets of target values and thresholds for each Utility used in the Enter value. They are entered per m² of the net area of the buildings in the service area.


Target Values and Limits

The Enter value whose values are shown in the example above is assigned to a building whose Net Area is 200 m². This means its target value is 2,000 (10 × 200) and its limit value (threshold) is 4,000 (20 × 200) in the corresponding Energy Balance graphs for that utility.

Show or Hide Years

You can show or hide the years or months shown in a comparative chart by clicking on them at the top of the chart.

In the example below, values from 2023 and 2024 are compared because they are selected above the chart. The years 2020, 2021, and 2022 are not shown because they are deselected (shown in grey).


Years Shown in Comparative Chart

Charts and Tables

The charts and diagrams below are available for the selected energy forms.




Annual heating consumption - chart

A bar chart comparing the heat consumed in each of the years specified in the From and Until text boxes in the Filter section for the selected building, service area, or metering point.

Annual heating consumption values

A table showing the heat consumed in each of the years specified in the From and Until text boxes in the Filter section for the selected building, service area, or metering point.

Comparative values heating - annual

A table showing the year-by-year changes in heat consumption for the years specified in the From, Until, and Base Year text boxes in the Filter section for the selected building, service area, or metering point.

Monthly heating consumption - chart

A bar chart comparing the heat consumed at the building, service area, or metering point for a given month in the years selected above the diagram (for example, between January 2023 and January 2024). You can show or hide any of the years selected in the From and Until text boxes in the Filter section.

Monthly heating consumption values

A table showing the heat consumed in each month of the years specified in the From and Until text boxes in the Filter section for the selected building, service area, or metering point.

Monthly comparative values heating

A table showing the month-by-month changes in heat consumption for the years specified in the From, Until, and Base Year text boxes in the Filter section for the selected building, service area, or metering point.

Annual heating consumption (adjusted) - chart

A bar chart comparing the heat consumed in each of the years specified in the From and Until text boxes in the Filter section for the selected building, service area, or metering point, adjusted per the climatic values of the site's location. 

Annual heating consumption values (adjusted)

A table showing the heat consumed in each of the years specified in the From and Until text boxes in the Filter section for the selected building, service area, or metering point, adjusted per the climatic values of the site's location.

Comparative values heating (adjusted) - annual

A table showing the year-by-year changes in heat consumption for the years specified in the From, Until, and Base Year text boxes in the Filter section for the selected building, service area, or metering point, adjusted per the climatic values of the site's location.

Monthly heating consumption (adjusted) - chart

A bar chart comparing the heat consumed at the building, service area, or metering point for a given month in the years selected above the diagram (for example, between January 2023 and January 2024), adjusted per the climatic values of the site's location.. You can show or hide any of the years selected in the From and Until text boxes in the Filter section.

Monthly heat consumption values (adjusted)

A table showing the heat consumed in each month of the years specified in the From and Until text boxes in the Filter section for the selected building, service area, or metering point, adjusted per the climatic values of the site's location.

Comparative values heating (adjusted) - monthly 

A table showing the month-by-month changes in heat consumption for the years specified in the From, Until, and Base Year text boxes in the Filter section for the selected building, service area, or metering point, adjusted per the climatic values of the site's location.




Annual electricity consumption - chart

A bar chart comparing the electricity consumed in each of the years specified in the From and Until text boxes in the Filter section for the selected building, service area, or metering point.

Annual electricity consumption values

A table showing the electricity consumed in each of the years specified in the From and Until text boxes in the Filter section for the selected building, service area, or metering point.

Comparative values for electricity - annual

A table showing the year-by-year changes in electricity consumption for the years specified in the From, Until, and Base Year text boxes in the Filter section for the selected building, service area, or metering point.

Monthly electricity consumption - chart

A bar chart comparing the electricity consumed at the building, service area, or metering point for a given month in the years selected above the diagram (for example, between January 2023 and January 2024). You can show or hide any of the years selected in the From and Until text boxes in the Filter section.

Monthly electricity consumption values

A table showing the electricity consumed in each month of the years specified in the From and Until text boxes in the Filter section for the selected building, service area, or metering point.

Monthly comparative values for electricity 

A table showing the month-by-month changes in electricity consumption for the years specified in the From, Until, and Base Year text boxes in the Filter section for the selected building, service area, or metering point.




Annual water consumption - chart

A bar chart comparing the water consumed in each of the years specified in the From and Until text boxes in the Filter section for the selected building, service area, or metering point.

Annual water consumption values

A table showing the water consumed in each of the years specified in the From and Until text boxes in the Filter section for the selected building, service area, or metering point.

Comparative values water - annual 

A table showing the year-by-year changes in water consumption for the years specified in the From, Until, and Base Year text boxes in the Filter section for the selected building, service area, or metering point.

Monthly water consumption - chart

A bar chart comparing the water consumed at the building, service area, or metering point for a given month in the years selected above the diagram (for example, between January 2023 and January 2024). You can show or hide any of the years selected in the From and Until text boxes in the Filter section.

Monthly water consumption values

A table showing the water consumed in each month of the years specified in the From and Until text boxes in the Filter section for the selected building, service area, or metering point.

Comparative values water - monthly

A table showing the month-by-month changes in water consumption for the years specified in the From, Until, and Base Year text boxes in the Filter section for the selected building, service area, or metering point.

You can interact with the chart(s) outlined above using the controls in the top-right corner.


Consumption Chart Controls

Consumption Chart Controls




Download a .png image file of the chart to your computer.


Allows you to draw a square on the chart by clicking and dragging. When you release the mouse, the chart zooms in to the selected area.


Selected Chart Area

This tool is selected by default. You only have to click the icon before drawing an area if you have clicked another one of the icons.


Move the focused area of the chart up, down, to the left, or to the right by clicking on the chart and dragging.


Center and zoom in on the chart.


Center and zoom out on the chart.


Scale the chart to fill the width of the chart area.


Undo any zooming, panning, or scaling so that the chart is centered and scaled.

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