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Component Groups

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Like in the Building Service Structure, the highest hierarchical level in the Component Structure is the group. It allows you to manage components based on shared properties.

All component groups that have been created display in the groups table.


Components Groups Table

The groups table is accessed by clicking Component Structure on the Maintenance start page.

The groups table indicates each group's

System code in the Asset Identification Key column;

The name of the group in the Name column; and

The Group's production status (yes or no) in the Production column.

To view all of a group's details, double-click the group row in the table.


Alternatively, you can select the version you want to open and click the View Details (icon-view-details) icon.

Group Details Page

Component group pages have the following sections.

Group Details Sections




The group's hierarchy in the Component Structure.


The custom additional properties created for components in the group.

Property Categories

The custom property categories created for components in the group.

Characteristic Values

The custom characteristic values created for components in the group.


The designations within the group.


The versions that are directly associated with the group, and not any designation, as part of a 2-level hierarchy.


Component group details page

If any of the sections noted above do not appear on the details page, you may need to edit the section authorization to show them.

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