The Asset Tasks tab allows you to select a simple table from a geodatabase (that is accessible from the current project) and select rows, whose attributes can be used as a preset for the attribute values of the current editing template.
Asset Tasks provide a way to let you import record data from another system of records and connect it with features or rows of the current the GIS. This is a workflow that is usually part of a greater process where data is flowing from another business source (like SAP) into the GIS.
The Task table can be selected in the upper part of the tab. If a corresponding table already exists for the table of the current asset class, then this task table automatically displays in the selection box.
Each standalone table, that extends the name of a corresponding asset table by the suffix _Task or _Tasks, is used by convention as the corresponding task table.
For instance, if the asset table is named ELEDevice, the corresponding task table is ELEDevice_Task or ELEDevice_Tasks.
The name of the task table is case-insensitive.
After you select a task table, a proper column mapping can be defined. By default, all columns that match by name and type are pulled up for column mapping.
If column mappings are missing, you can add them by specifying source and target column and adding them to the list of mappings.
The Search Filter section allows you to define a filter criteria for searching rows in the task table. Use this filter criteria to find the rows in the task table for which features are created. Use the Search function at the lower end of the Task Record list in order to perform the search. After a proper task record has been selected, click Use selected Record as Preset, to pick the attribute values from the task row and copy them to the attribute values of the current editing template.
The column mapping is used for this process.