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Exchange Online

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Microsoft Exchange Online is a cloud-based SaaS (Software As A Service) for email. If your organization subscribes to Microsoft Exchange Online for email, you can follow the steps below to register and configure a Groupware application that allows your users to receive email and appointment or meeting messages based on VertiGIS FM events.

Register and Configure an Application

To connect VertiGIS FM to your Microsoft Exchange Online service, you must register and configure VertiGIS FM as a Groupware application in the Microsoft Entra admin center.

Register the Application

Begin by navigating to and signing in to your account. On the admin center landing page, click Go to Microsoft Entra ID.


Link to Microsoft Entra ID

In the left pane, under Identity, click Applications > App registrations.


App Registrations Link

Click New Registration.


Link to Register New App

You can then enter the name for the application (e.g., VertiGIS FM) and select Register an application to integrate with Microsoft Entra ID (App you're developing).


Generic App Name and Integration Selection

In the Name text box, enter a user-facing display name for the application. Under Supported account types, select Accounts in this organization directory only.

When you have completed the steps above, you can now configure the application.

Configure the Application

Complete the sections below on the administrative page for your new app.


On the Properties tab, set the Assignment required? and Visible to users? toggles to No.


Groupware Application Properties

Single Sign On

On the Single sign-on tab, click Go to application.


Groupware Application Single Sign-on

You can then access the Certificates and secrets and API Permissions sections from the new Manage menu that loads.

Certificates and Secrets

In the Certificates & secrets tab, open the Client secrets tab and click New client secret.


Groupware Application Certificates & Secrets

Enter a secret name for the application, set the expiration time, and click Add.

API Permissions

In the API Permissions section, add permissions for the items below under Microsoft Graph:

API Permissions for Exchange App


Admin Consent Required













Application Access Policy

An application access policy limits your app's access to certain mailboxes in your organization's Exchange Online subscription.

The mailboxes to which you want to allow access must be put in a mail-enabled security group in Entra ID. Using PowerShell, you can then create an Application Access Policy to limit the application's access to the accounts in this group.

To Create an Application Access Policy

1.Run PowerShell as an administrator.

2.Run cd C:\Users\[your Windows user ID].

3.If you do not already have the Exchange Online Management Module installed, run Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement.

4.Run Connect-ExchangeOnline.

5.Run New-ApplicationAccessPolicy -AppId <ID> -PolicyScopeGroupId <Mailbox (UPN)> -AccessRight RestrictAccess -Description "<Description>".

You can then test the policy by running Test-ApplicationAccessPolicy -AppId <AppId> -Identity <Mailbox (UPN)>.

If the mailbox identity matches the one you specified in step #5, the output should resemble the one shown below:


Access Granted for Command with Correct Identity

If the mailbox identity does not match the one you specified in step #5, the output should resemble the one shown below:


Access Denied for Command with Incorrect Identity

Refer to Limiting application permissions to specific Exchange Online mailboxes for more information.

Connect the Application to VertiGIS FM

Complete the steps below in VertiGIS FM to connect the application you registered with VertiGIS FM.

To Connect the Application to VertiGIS FM

1.Sign in to VertiGIS FM.

2.Navigate to the GroupWare administration page (Administration > Interfaces > GroupWare).

3.In the Server section, click the Add (icon-add) icon.


4.Click the arrow in the Type menu. Select Microsoft Exchange Online and then click Apply.


5.Enter the appropriate inputs in each of the form fields. Refer to Microsoft Exchange Online Server Inputs for descriptions of each field.

6.Click Save and Close.

Microsoft Exchange Online Server Inputs




The type of server being configured. Select Microsoft Exchange Online.

Mandant ID

The tenant ID of your application. You can find this in the Overview tab for the application, under Essentials, in the Microsoft Entra admin center.


Client ID

The tenant ID of your application. You can find this in the Overview tab for the application, under Essentials, in the Microsoft Entra admin center.



The value in the Value column on the Certificates and Secrets tab for the application in the Microsoft Entra admin center. The value is only visible once, when you create the client secret.


Confirm Password

The value in the Value column on the Certificates and Secrets tab for the application in the Microsoft Entra admin center. The value is only visible once, when you create the client secret.

E-mail address

The email address of the sending inbox. 

Test e-mail to

The email address of the sending inbox. 

Cloud URL

Always enter

Service desk integration

A check box that, if selected, means that all emails sent a specified email address will be open a service desk ticket. Refer to Service Desk Integration for more information.

Permitted email domains

The domains to which email or appointment messages are restricted. For example, if the event notified users when a work order is assigned to them, and you assigned the work order to an external contractor whose email address is not in a domain specified in this section, they would not receive an email.

You can click the Add (icon-add) icon to add permitted domains, or click the Delete (icon-delete) icon next to a previously saved domain to remove it.

Service Desk Integration

The Service Desk Integration form becomes visible on the server configuration form when you select the Service Desk Integration check box.


Service Desk Integration Check Box and Corresponding Form

Service Desk Integration Form



Tex­t con­firm­ation e-mail

Message indicating a corresponding service desk ticket has been created in the email.

Tex­t error e-mail

Message indicating a corresponding service desk ticket was unable to be created in the email.

Retrieve E-mail start­ing on

The date and time the service desk integration with the email account will begin.

Ticket Template

Refer to Service Desk Ticket Fields for ticket information on the fields contained in this section.


After connecting your organization's SMTP server, you can configure VertiGIS FM events that will trigger notifications. Refer to Groupware Events.

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