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Navigation: Energy > Metering Points > Service Areas

Add, Edit, or Delete a Service Area

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This topic includes instructions to add, edit, and delete a service area.

Create a Service Area

You can create a service area on the VertiGIS FM Energy search page.

To Create a Service Area

1.Navigate to the VertiGIS FM Energy search page.

2.Under Objects, click Service Area.


3.Click the Add (icon-add) icon in the search grid.


4.Enter the mandatory service area details in the form.

You can select the Calculated check box next to the Net Floor Area and Energy Reference Area text boxes to populate these fields with the respective fields for the building selected in the Building field.

5.Click Save and Close.


After you have saved the service area, you can assign metering points to it.

Edit a Service Area's Details

You can edit a service area's details on the service area's details page.

To Edit a Service Area's Details

1.Navigate to the details page for the service area you want to edit.


2.In the Service Area section, click the Edit (icon-edit) icon.

3.Edit the service area's details as required.

4.Click Save and Close.

Delete a Service Area

You can delete a service area on the VertiGIS FM Energy search page.

To Delete a Service Area

1.Navigate to the VertiGIS FM Energy search page.

2.Under Objects, click Service Area.


3.Select the service area you want to delete and click the Delete (icon-delete) icon.


4.Click OK.

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