This topic includes procedures on how to add, edit, and delete a meter in VertiGIS FM.
You can add a meter on the VertiGIS FM Energy search page.
If you know the metering point to which you want to assign the new meter, you can also create it on the metering point details page by assigning a new meter to a metering point.
To Add a Meter
1.Navigate to the VertiGIS FM Energy search page.
2.Under Objects, click Meter.
3.Click the Add () icon in the search grid.
4.Enter the mandatory details required for a new meter.
oIn the Number text box, enter a name or identifier for the new meter. It cannot match that of a meter that already exists in the system.
oFrom the Energy for drop-down menu, select the type of energy the meter will measure.
5.Enter additional meter details in the non-mandatory fields. Refer to Meter Details for more information.
6.Click Save and Close.
You can edit a meter on its meter details page.
To Edit a Meter
1.Navigate to the meter details page for the meter you want to edit.
2.Click the Edit () icon.
3.Edit the meter's details as required.
4.Click Save and Close.
You can delete meters on the VertiGIS FM Energy search page.
To Delete a Meter
1.Navigate to the VertiGIS FM Energy search page.
2.Under Objects, click Meter.
3.Click the Delete () icon.
You cannot delete a meter if it is assigned to a metering point. You must unassign it before deleting it.