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User Management

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On the Administration > Roles/Permissions > User Management page, you can manage the VertiGIS FM users with access to your system. A user must have an employee and a contact associated with them.


Users Listed on the User Management Administration Page

Add a User

You can add a user to the system on the Administration > Roles/Permissions > User Management page if the prerequisites below are met:

you have already created a contact for the person for whom you are creating a new user.

you have already created an employee for the person for whom you are creating a new user.

To Add a User

1.Navigate to the User Management page (Administration > Roles/Permissions > User Management).

2.Click the Add (icon-add) icon.

3.Enter the user details in the form. The User name, Password, Confirm Password, Contact, and Language fields are mandatory. Refer to User Details for more information.

The password must comply with the password guidelines specified by an administrator. The system displays an error message if it does not. Refer to Password Guidelines for more information.

4.Click Save and Close.

User Details




The user name for the new user. This is their login credential.

NT UserĀ­name

The domain user name for the new user. This could include their LAN credential for their system.


The password the user will use to login to the application. Refer to Password Guidelines for more information.

Confirm password

The password re-entered. Refer to Password Guidelines for more information.


The contact associated with the user. You must already have created the contact before creating the new user.


The language the user speaks.

Valid from

The date the account is created.

Valid until

The date until which the user can log into VertiGIS FM.

Organisation filter active


Remain logged in

Whether you want the user to remain logged in between sessions using the same browser.


Whether the user should be prevented from signing in to VertiGIS FM.

If the user signs in with incorrect credentials three times, the system will block them for one hour. This check box can be deselected to unblock them.

Password does never expire

Whether you want the user's password to expire.

Change password during next login

Whether you want the user to reset their password the next time they log in.

Display notifications

Whether you want the notification protocol to display when the user signs in. Typically, this feature is only selected for administrators.


Notification Protocol Dialog

Status icon as symbol

Whether you want the user to see statuses represented by symbols instead of colours in the user interface. Typically, this feature is selected for users with color vision deficiency.


Navigation Bar

Whether the modules panel on the left side of all screens in the application is visible to the user.



The Roles section lists the roles to which the user has been added. Roles are the primary method for assigning user permissions to users. You can open the roles listed here on the Role Administration page to view the actions within the various VertiGIS FM products that the user has privileges to perform.

To Add a Role to a User

1.Navigate to the User Management page (Administration > Roles/Permissions > User Management).

2.Double-click the user to whom you want to add a role.

3.In the Roles section, click the Add (icon-add) icon.


4.Select the role you want to add to the user and click Apply.


5.Click Save and Close.

For instructions on how to add new roles to the system that you can then add to a user, click here.

To Remove a Role from the User

1.Navigate to the User Management page (Administration > Roles/Permissions > User Management).

2.In the Roles section, click the Delete (icon-delete) icon next to the role you want to remove from the user.

3.Click Save and Close.

Object Rights

In the Object Rights section, you can assign the user access to individual objects within areas outside of their role privileges. This is typically used to assign users access to pages for certain buildings, floors, or rooms within the VertiGIS FM Buildings product for which they are responsible for maintaining.

Click the Add (icon-add) icon to add object rights to the user.


Assigning an Object Right to a Building to the User

Edit a User

When you edit a user, you can change any of the user details associated with them. This includes changing their password.

To Edit a User

1.On the Administration > Roles/Permissions > User Management, select the user whose details you want to edit.

2.Click the Edit (icon-edit) icon.


3.In the form, update the information you want to edit. You can also add or remove Roles, Trades, or Object Rights in the respective sections below the form.

If changing a user's password, you are required to enter the new password in the Password text box and re-enter it in the Confirm Password text box.

4.Click Save and Close.

Copy a User

You can create a user who shares all the properties of an existing user with the Copy User feature. The Username, Password, Contact, and Valid From fields will have unique values, but the rest of the user fields can have inherited values. This feature is helpful if you want to create many users who share the same roles and privileges.

To Copy a User

1.On the Administration > Roles/Permissions > User Management, double-click the user you want to copy.

2.Click the Copy (icon-copy) icon.


3.Enter a unique Username for the new user.

4.Enter the new user's password in the Password text box, and re-enter it in the Confirm Password text box.

5.Click the arrow in the Contact menu and select the contact with which the new user is associated.

6.Update any additional details as required.

7.Click Save and Close.

Delete a User

You can delete a user on the Administration > Roles/Permissions > User Management page by selecting them in the User table and clicking the Delete (icon-delete) icon.

Export User Data

You can click the two icon-excel icons to export reports on the users in the system. The reports are exported as Excel files.


Export User Data Icons

The Excel Report (icon-excel) icon (on the left) exports the user data in the table for all selected users into the report. If no users are selected in the table, all users are included in the report.

The Export All User Data (icon-excel) icon (on the right) exports all the user data for all users into a report. The Excel file includes additional worksheets for user data not shown on the Administration > Roles/Permissions > User Management page, including the user's Personal Data, Employee data, and more.

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