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Building Service Structure

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In VertiGIS FM Maintenance, assets are managed in hierarchical structures for management purposes and for clarity. The Building Service Structure refers to the hierarchy that stores maintenance devices and systems. It is separate from the Component Structure, which stores the individual components used to assemble devices in the Building Service Structure.

Structure Levels

The Building Service Structure follows a hierarchical structures of groups > designations ("Names") > versions ("Types") > devices. Generally, assigning properties, characteristics, or measurements to a higher node means they are inherited by or made available to the assets below them.


Sample Building Service Structure in VertiGIS FM Maintenance

In VertiGIS FM Maintenance, you can create hierarchies with either two or three levels. In a two-level hierarchy, you can create a version directly below a group. In a three-level hierarchy, you create a version below a designation, which is beneath the parent Group.


Three- and Two-Level Building Service Structure Hierarchies






Office technology


HP printers

HP Laserjet 2430

Heat supply systems

Heat generation plants

Heat pump system

Heat Pump #1

Communication, security, and information technology systems

Danger detection and alarm systems

Fire alarm system

Boiler room fire alarm system

Use-specific and process engineering systems

Fire extinguishing systems

Sprinkler systems


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