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Country Management

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Countries and their associated currencies must be activated on the administration page before they can be selected as your company's country or as your asset's locations (for example, in the real estate details in VertiGIS FM Buildings). The currency values are used to determine values associated with your assets throughout VertiGIS FM.

To Activate or Deactivate a Country

1.From any page in VertiGIS FM, click Administration in the bottom-left corner.


2.Expand Master Data and click Country management.


3.Select the country you want to activate or deactivate and click the Edit (icon-edit) icon.

4.Select the Active check box to activate the country, or deselect the check box to deactivate it.

5.Optionally, edit the information in any other fields related to the country. You can expand the VAT [%], Federal states (political jurisdictions within the country), Land parcel configuration, and Dedication tabs as required. Refer to Country Details for more information.


6.Click Save and Close.

The Active column in the Country table now indicates that the country is active and can be selected as a location for a real estate.


Activated Country

To Add a Country

1.Navigate to the Administration > Master Data > Country Management page.

2.In the Country section, click the Add (icon-add) icon.

3.Enter the appropriate country details. If you want the country to be immediately available for selection throughout the application, select the Active check box.

4.Click Save and Close.

Country Details






The name of the country.



Area Code

The area code used in the country's phone numbers.


ISO Code

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) code for the country.



Post Code

Postal code used in the country's mailing addresses.



The currency used in the country.

EUR (Euro)

CAD (Dollar)


Whether the country is active and can be selected as a real estate location.




This section lists the value-added tax identification numbers used in the country.

Federal States

This section lists the states, provinces, or jurisdictions within the country. Additional land parcel information can be configured separately within a federal state.

Land Parcel Configuration

You can configure land parcels within a federal state by double-clicking a federal state and expanding the Land Parcel Configuration section. If a Land Parcel Configuration is saved for both the country and one of its federal states, and the federal state is set to Active, the configuration for the federal state will supercede the configuration for the country for land parcels in the federal state. Refer to Land Parcel Configuration for more information.


Land Parcel Configuration Set to Active Within Federal State

Land Parcel Configuration

The Land Parcel Configuration section allows you to create a unique configuration key for each land parcel. Land parcels can either be configured for a country or within one of its federal state.


Land Parcel Configuration Keys use the format below.



Federal State/Boundary/Meadow/Counter/Denominator/Sequence Number


In the example above, the slash (/) is used as the Separator.

In the example above, 5 is used as the separator number to separate the counter (001) and the denominator (152) in the string 0015152.

The Federal State string in the key is taken from the number assigned to the federal state or country.


Federal State Number

The number of digits that can be used in each string is specified in the Land Parcel Configuration form on the administration page for the country or federal state.

Land Parcel Configuration





Whether the key can be used.




A key used to delineate strings within the key




Length of boundary

The number of digits that can be entered in the Boundary string in the configuration key.


Length meadow

The number of digits that can be entered in the meadow string in the configuration key.


Length counter

The number of digits that can be entered in the counter string in the configuration key.


Length denominator

The number of digits that can be entered in the denominator string in the configuration key.


Separator number

A number used to separate the counter and denominator in the string of the key that contains both. If the Separator Number used were 5, the string in the key may be 0015152, with "001" being the counter and "152" being the denominator (both 3 digits).


Length sequence number

The number of digits that can be entered in the sequence number string in the configuration key.



Land Parcel Configuration Form


Dedications are used to designate whether a parcel of land contains any assets that a country, state, province, or municipality is legally responsible for maintaining.

Dedications stored on the administration page for a country or federal state can then be selected when a land parcel configuration is assigned to a land parcel.


Dedication on the Administration Page for the Country

Import Lists

You can import catalog data related to your country's states or territories and tax information using the Import Files download on the Administration > Interfaces > Import page.

Templates for available countries are found in the 01_Erstimport folder.


Country Catalogs in

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