If another VertiGIS Studio product has already been installed, an "Authentication Portal Item" should already be available on your ArcGIS Portal. Check whether the registered subdomain is included in the list of "Redirect URIs" in the settings of this portal item.
If no VertiGIS Studio product has been installed yet, the following steps must be carried out.
2.Request a subdomain from Support.
•A short name for your subdomain.
This name is a recognizable, unique identifier that matches your organizational identity. The name is used in the URL for accessing the Solution Manager. For example, if your short name is myorg, the URL for the Solution Manager would be https://myorg.apps.vertigisstudio.com/solutionmanager/
The name may contain 2-16 characters and can use the following characters:
▪Lower-case letters (a-z)
▪Digits (0-9)
▪Hyphens (-)
•The URL of the ArcGIS Portal.
1.Sign in to your portal, and navigate to the Content panel.
2.Click Add Item and select Add an application.
3.Configure the application item using the following settings.
oType: Web Mapping
oPurpose: Ready to use
oAPI: Javascript
oURL: Paste the URL to Solution Manager with your chosen subdomain, for example: https://subdomain.apps.vertigisstudio.com/solutionmanager/
oTitle: Type a title for the item, for example: VertiGIS Solution Manager
oTags: Type one or more tags for the item, for example: VertiGIS Solution Manager
4.Click Add Item.
A new Application item is added to the portal. The item's details are shown.
5.Register the Application Item:
a.Click the Settings tab.
b.Scroll down to the Web Mapping Application section at the bottom of the panel. Under App Registration, click Register.
c.Paste the URL to the Solution Manager with your chosen subdomain into the Redirect URI box, and then click Add.
The URL is added to the list of permitted redirect URLs.
d.Click Register to complete the application registration.
ArcGIS creates an app ID for the Application item.
6.Copy the App ID.
You need the App ID to request a subdomain from Support.
1.Use our subdomain request form and supply the following information:
oShort name for your subdomain
oPortal URL
oApp ID
See also ... Register a Subdomain
If this subdomain is missing in the list of redirect URIs, the error "Invalid redirect uri" is displayed when logging in via the Solution Manager.
If access to the ArcGIS Portal is restricted to specific allowed origins, it must be ensured that "<yoursubdomain>.apps.vertigisstudio.com" is also listed in the ArcGIS Portal settings in the "Security" tab in the "allow origins" section. Otherwise, a login to the Solution Manager via the ArcGIS Portal is blocked and an error such as "Access to fetch from origin <yoursubdomain>.apps.vertigisstudio.com has been blocked by CORS policy" is displayed.