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Create Multilines

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Multilines are constructed, exactly parallel line features of various technical characteristics, such as cable bundles or pipelines.

The multilines tool supports the creation and saving of these line elements.



1.Call function
The function can be opened via Toolbar > Edit > Multilines. In the left side panel, the Multilines tab opens.

2.Select or create construction axis
The first step is to select the type of axis that will serve as the basis for constructing the multilines. An existing line feature in the map can be selected as the axis or a new, linear axis can be drawn.

Select the feature in the map as the axis to which parallel multilines are to be created.

The creation direction of the selected line feature determines the selected display of the multilines to the left or right of the axis.

Use the mouse pointer to set at least one start and end point, creating a straight line axis for creating multilines. Any number of vertex points can be placed between the start and end points.
Alternatively, a linear, non-rectilinear axis can be created by holding down the left mouse button.
Double-click to finish drawing the lines.

The direction in which the axis is created is decisive for the left-hand or right-hand display of the multilines.

The snapping settings can be used when drawing.

Each axis can be deleted and a new one selected or sketched.

3.Construct multilines
In the Features area, any compatible line feature can be added to the axis by selecting one or more feature templates via the VN_Bt_ML_Feature_Addbutton. The number of feature templates displayed can be restricted using the filter option.
In the Added features section, all multilines are displayed for checking and can be duplicated or deleted as required.

The display of the feature templates depends on the visible layers in the map. Visibility can be switched on or off via the "Layer" tab.

The order of the added features can be changed using drag & drop.

4.View settings
A preview, the distance between the lines or the alignment of the multilines can be set here.

5.Finish multilines
The multilines are created by pressing the Create button.

The course of multilines can be changed in sections and bundled. See chapter Changing multilines.

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