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Navigation: Domain Network > FeatureClass: Device > Devices Overview

FeederDevice [200]

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The FeederDevice form the feed-in points or transfer points from the power production or generally as feed-in points into the grid. This makes it possible to collect the transfer at any point. This also makes it possible that third-party equipment does not have to be included as a component from the grid (e.g. transformer, small power plants, photovoltaics, etc.). Since these elements feed into the network, they are a subnetwork controller (safety-related).

The FeederDevice can also be considered as a virtual device, which is not under the control of the recipient.

In electricity, subnetworks are formed using two parameters:

1.Netlevel with the same operating voltage and galvanically connected

2.Circuit, galvanically connected and protected by a common switching element (circuit breaker, exit bar)


This determines (also depending on the type of network documentation) which of the potentially possible Devices are actually Subnet controllers.


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