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Navigation: Interface > Network Route > Route Section Manager

Edit Route Sections

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The following functions are available for editing the route sections:


VU_Route_Manager_Bt_Leeren The editor of the route section manager is cleared.


VU_Route_Manager_Bt_Laden All features selected in the map are loaded into the editor. However, for each feature, the containment rules are used to check whether it is already subordinate to a route section. If this is the case, it will be loaded. Features that are not yet subordinate to a route section are listed in the root directory of the tree view. They can be assigned to existing route sections in sequence by drag & drop.

In this way, point features that are not considered in automatic route creation can also be included.



VU_Route_Manager_Load2VU_Route_Manager_Load3 VU_Route_Manager_Load4

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