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The XSLT transformation is a special extension functionality that combines an API, a Feature Service and some configurations in the backend to make a transformation of the xsl stylesheet for the external system. It is actually a subpart of the VI XML, the main data structure used for data processing and the internal format understood by the VertiGIS Integrator.

Check the UT XML chapter for more details about its structure and content.

The VertiGIS Integrator is installed with 6 default xsl stylesheets:

1.Copy.xsl: a copy of the VI XML towards an outbound endpoint or from an outbound endpoint towards the VI XML.

2.EmailJobProcessing.xsl: used to send emails when a job is processed.

3.EmailReport.xsl: default report in HTML format sent by email from the Protocol table where the VI XML is triggered by the XSLT processing (you can define your own report by changing this default xsl stylesheet). It can contain, for instance, errors that happened in the last 24 hours during the integration, which are triggered by a Cron Job based on XML and XSLT processing.

4.EmailVersionProcessing.xsl: used to send emails when a version is processed.

5.UTPostServerServiceIn.xsl: processes the incoming SOAP request on the standard SOAP interface.

6.UTPostServerServiceOut.xsl: processes the SOAP request sent towards the standard SOAP interface.

Out of the above xsl stylesheets, only Copy.xsl can be used for the transformation of the incoming data. All other stylesheets have different functionalities and are not part of this XML flow between the endpoint and the ArcGIS Server. Since it is a basic template for processing the VI XML, it needs to be configured.

Check out the XSL Inbound template.

The main communication endpoint templates used by the VertiGIS Integrator for the XSLT transformation are:

SOAP Inbound and Outbound Endpoints

HTTP Inbound and Outbound Endpoints

DB Inbound and Outbound Endpoints

File Inbound and Outbound Endpoints

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