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UT Geometry functions

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String findNearestUTFeature(String version, String featureClassName, String searchExpression, String x, String y, String searchDistance)


Query an UT Object Identifier (OBJ_ID) of the UT object closest to the Point(x,y) from a feature class table, using the searchExpression condition and a spatial filter defined by a buffered Point (x,y).




Version's fully qualified name (e.g. SDE.DEFAULT).


Name of the feature class table. The table name will be qualified by the user name, configured in ags.sde.tableowner.


X-coordinate of point.


yYcoordinate of point.


A buffer polygon is created around the point with the distance=searchDistance . The spatial search is executed for the buffer polygon with the esriSpatialRelIntersects relationship.

This parameter must not be 0 or empty.

Return value

The returned value is a string with an UT Object Identifier (OBJ_ID). If the query has no result, an empty String is returned.


1.Search in the FCL_E_PLANT_AREA polygon feature class with an unbuffered point as spatial filter:
<xsl:for-each select="utiapi:findFeaturesByPoint('SDE.DEFAULT','FCL_E_PLANT_AREA','','23425.640','21791.577','')">
<result><xsl:value-of select="." /></result>

2.Search in the FCL_E_INSTALLATION point feature class with a buffered point as spatial filter:
<xsl:for-each select="utiapi:findFeaturesByPoint('SDE.DEFAULT','FCL_E_INSTALLATION','ACLASS_ID=3001','23425.640','21791.577','10.0')")">
<result><xsl:value-of select="." /></result>


String findUTFeatureByPoint(String version, String featureClassName, String searchExpression, String x, String y)


Query UT Object Identifier (OBJ_ID) of the UT object with the condition searchexpression and a spatial filter defined by a Point (x,y)  from a feature class table. The spatial search is executed for the point with the esriSpatialRelWithin relationship. This function is typically used to find a polygon object that contains the point (x,y).




Version's fully qualified name (e.g. SDE.DEFAULT)


Name of the feature class table. The table name will be qualified by the user name configured in ags.sde.tableow


Conditional expression for the query. Can be an empty string.


x-coordinate of point


y-coordinate of point

Return value

The returned value is a string with an UT Object Identifier (OBJ_ID). If multiple objects are found, only the first result is returned. If the query has no results, an empty String is returned.


1.Search in the FCL_E_PLANT_AREA polygon feature class with an unbuffered point as a spatial filter:
<xsl:for-each select="utiapi:findFeaturesByPoint('SDE.DEFAULT','FCL_E_PLANT_AREA','','23425.640','21791.577','')">
<result><xsl:value-of select="." /></result>

2.Search in point feature class FCL_E_INSTALLATION with buffered point as spatial filter:
<xsl:for-each select="utiapi:findFeaturesByPoint('SDE.DEFAULT','FCL_E_INSTALLATION','ACLASS_ID=3001','23425.640','21791.577','10.0')")">
<result><xsl:value-of select="." /></result>




NodeList getCoordsFromUTFeature(String version, String featureClassName, String obj_id)

NodeList getCoordsFromUTFeature(String version, String classId, String subtypeId, String obj_id)

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