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This endpoint is used to call external programs that enable further processing. It is necessary to specify the path to the executable file. It can be an EXE or a BAT file. In addition, any number of arguments can be passed to the external program. The individual arguments are separated from each other by a semicolon. The current output is continuously monitored during the program processing. This makes it possible to check whether the program was successful or has caused an error with the two parameters Success and Error. You can input here strings that need to match the output of the external program.


An external program for moving a file via the VertiGIS Integrator should be called. The following batch program moves a file into another directory. Additionally, this file can be renamed.

@echo off
if not exist "%1" goto :error
if not exist "%2" goto :error
echo "%1"
echo "%2"
move "%1" "%2"
echo success
echo error
echo An error occurred when moving the file.

The first argument to be specified is the path to the file to be moved. The second argument describes the output path. If the move succeeds, the Success message appears. In case of a failure, the error is returned with the "An error occurred when moving the file." message. In both cases the program must be terminated. All success or failure messages are logged and written into the protocol.



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