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The VertiGIS Integrator can send emails with information about the current processing status, such as errors that have occurred or a report on the messages processed.

The Email interface parametrization can be carried out by adapting the XSLT transformations. This XSLT transformation is based on the XML documents that include the protocol tables content or processing state (success, error) information.

By default, the VertiGIS Integrator is delivered with the following XSL files for generating the HTML content of emails:

EmailReportInit.xsl: email sent after the VertiGIS Integrator has been started and initialized. This email informs about whether the VertiGIS Integrator has been correctly initialized.

EmailJobProcessing.xsl: email sent after a Job has been processed. This email provides information about the processing status of a Job (success, error).

EmailVersionProcessing.xsl: email sent after an ArcSDE version has been processed. This email provides information about the processing status of an ArcSDE version (success, error).

EmailReport.xsl: email with a report containing information about the processed messages, Reconcile Post processes, and executed Cron Jobs. The sending of this email is triggered by a Cron Job.



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