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Navigation: Hands-On Guides > RabbitMQ queues and exchanges

How to connect to an exchange

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Change exchange method for the  RabbitMQ Inbound endpoint:

1.Open the VertiGIS Integrator.

2.Navigate to Settings > Service Endpoints.

3.Expand the RabbitMQ folder, then on the RabbitMQInbound endpoint node you have previously created (for this showcase we used rabbitin).

4.Right click on rabbitin and select the Edit/View option.

5.Switch from the RabbitMqMethod Queue to Exchange to connect to an exchange instead of a queue.

There is an additional field, Binding Key which is used in case the exchange has the types direct or topic. Fanout exchanges do not require this field.


6.Process the version with your RabbitMQOutbound endpoint (for this showcase we used rabbitout) and then check the messages in the Protocol table.

Change exchange method for the RabbitMQ Outbound endpoint:

1.Expand the RabbitMQ folder, then the RabbitMQOutbound endpoint node you have previously created (for this showcase we used rabbitout).

2.Right click on rabbitout and select the Edit/View option.

3.Switch from the RabbitMqMethod Queue to Exchange to connect to an exchange instead of a queue.

There is an additional field, Binding Key which is used in case the exchange has the types direct or topic. Fanout exchanges do not require this field.


4.Process the version with your RabbitMQOutbound endpoint and then check the result in the Protocol table.

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