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Map displays and components

1.The Map Display Gallery in ArcGIS Pro now offers the end user only the map displays that have been assigned to the VertiGIS project. If ArcGIS Pro is started without a VertiGIS project, all map displays that are located in the portal are offered in the gallery.

2.The search functionality in the Map Displays section of ArcGIS Pro has been enhanced with the ability to filter by tags.

3.Map displays and map display components can be copied from one Enterprise environment to another Enterprise environment. In ArcGIS Pro, the Export and Import functions are offered in the Map Displays section.

4.Exporting, importing or transferring map display and map display components from one portal to another is also possible via the command line using a Python script. The file for this exchange is either a map display file (vgmdx) or a map display component file (vgmdcx); intermixing is not possible.

5.The data connection of the layers to the feature services can be customized.

a.In ArcGIS Pro, an administrator can switch 1-n map display components from one feature service to another feature service. The system checks whether the corresponding layers can be found in the target service or not; if necessary, it can issue warnings or errors. If the layers with the corresponding feature class and subtype are available in the target service, the data connection can be changed successfully.

b.Using the Python script to import or transfer map displays from one environment to another. Since no interactivity with the administrator is possible in a batch process, the system also does not check whether the layer IDs of the feature classes in the source service and in the target service are identical. Only the path to the feature service is replaced. Therefore, this method should only be used in the case of a transfer or import of map displays in a mirrored environment.

6.Redesign of the user interface to comply with the VertiGIS Style Guidelines.

7.Revise internal format of map displays (ZIP instead of JSON) to be closer to existing Esri mechanisms. All map displays and map display components must be updated.


See chapter Required Adjustments


Various optimizations to the user interface have been implemented.

In addition to sharing a layout template as a new portal item, it is now also possible to directly overwrite a layout element on the portal.

When sharing a layout template, there is now an additional Analysis button that allows to remove all references to maps from the ArcGIS Pro project.

When using a layout template from the portal, the list of available templates can now be filtered by different categories.

Layout templates from the local project can now be filtered based on name using a quick filter search bar.

Inset maps that were created via a map area can now also be highlighted on the map.

The template store is only synchronized if there is actually a newer version on the portal.

Start Page

The user can decide whether to load the locally saved VertiGIS project or to fetch the project from the portal (option: clear local cache). By re-fetching the project from the portal, the user ensures that they are using the most up-to-date configuration that the administrator always provides with the project on the portal.

At the start of the project, only the map displays that have been activated as to be opened in the start page are loaded and prepared as a map.

VertiGIS project

In the configuration of a VertiGIS project, new additional definitions can be made:

oDefault setting, which maps should be opened when loading the project.

oService to be used for the address search with the Navigator.


The user interface for generating a report based on a selection in ArcGIS Pro has been redesigned.

Only the reports that are suitable for the current selected set are now displayed.

Job Manager

When creating a new job, there is now the possibility to open the job directly after creating it.

There is now the possibility for a user to take over the ownership of a job (requires the permission "Version management\All").

Planning Manager

Planning levels (e.g. construction phases) can now be deleted via the interface.

The clarity of the planning menu has been improved.


1.For the following editing functions, the system checks whether the signed-in user has the required editing rights. If the necessary privileges are missing, a meaningful message is brought up.

oCreate Assets

oDimensioning Editor

oCreate Annotation

2.The entry of free texts is facilitated by the fact that the functionality can be found more quickly.


Addresses can be searched even if they are in a different service than the asset data. In this case, the configurator must define the service to be used for address look up in the VertiGIS project.






Bug-fixing in various already existing functions.





Data model

For the Planning Manager, the old tags PlanningJobPlanningAlternative as well as PlanningPart have to be replaced with the newly introduced tag PlanningLevel in table VG_TAGS.

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