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Navigation: Release Notes > Version 1.4

Required Adjustments

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The following steps are required for Release 1.4 to function correctly.

Map Displays

Existing configurations of the map displays have to be changed to the new internal format (from JSON to ZIP).

1.Conversion via ArcGIS Pro interface

i.Install VertiGIS Utilities 1.4

ii.Open ArcGIS Pro

iii.In the Map Display pane, Displays tab, select and export all map displays

iv.In the Map Display pane, Components tab, select all map display components that are not referenced by a map component and export them
The referenced map display components can be displayed by activating the Show number of references function (in the settings to the left of the filter functions).

v.Delete all map display components
This will delete them from the portal.

vi.Delete all map displays
This will delete them from the portal.

vii.In the Map Display pane, tab Displays, click Import and select the exported file from step c)
With the import, all map displays and their components are shared on the portal again. This sharing also provides them with the new format.

viii.In the Map Display pane, tab Components, click Import and select the exported file from step d)


2.Conversion via Python script

i.Provide Python script environment according to documentation

ii.Open ArcGIS Pro

iii.In the Map Display pane, Display tab, select all map displays

iv.Execute the context menu function Export configuration

v.Save the configuration to the hard disk

vi.In the Map Display pane, Components tab, select all components that do not have a reference to a map display

vii.Execute the context menu function Export configuration

viii.Save the configuration to the hard disk
The information whether a component is referenced by a map display or not, can be activated via the menu item Categorize current view.

ix.Open and complete exported configurations
Add the source portal password and adjust the output and log path for both configurations if necessary.
"mode": "export",
"source_portal": "https://portal_address/portal/",
"source_portal_usr": "portal_user_name",
"source_portal_pwd": "",
}, "input_names": [
"output_path": "C:\\Users\\user_name\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\ArcGISProTemp109608\\export-mapdisplays.vgmdx",
"protocol_path": "C:\\Users\\user_name\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\ArcGISProTemp109608\\protocol.txt"

x.Execute the transfer script once for each created configuration according to the documentation

xi.Delete all map displays
This will delete them from the portal.

xii.Delete all map display components
This will delete them from the portal.

xiii.Prepare import configuration according to documentation for each export file created (.vgmdx/.vgmdcx)
"mode": "import",
"target_portal": "https://portal_address/portal/",
"target_portal_usr": "portal_user_name",
"target_portal_pwd": "",
"source_file": "C:\\Daten\\MapDisplays\\TestMigration\\export-mapdisplays.vgmdx",
"protocol_path": "C:\\Daten\\MapDisplays\\TestMigration\\protocol.txt"

xiv.Execute import via transfer script according to documentation


Now all map displays and components should be available on the portal in the new format.

Planning Manager

For the Planning Manager, the old tags PlanningJob, PlanningAlternative as well as PlanningPart have to be replaced with the newly introduced tag PlanningLevel in table VG_TAGS.

SET [tag_value] = 'PlanningLevel'
WHERE tag_value = 'PlanningJob'
or tag_value = 'PlanningAlternative'
or tag_value = 'PlanningPart'




To ensure that the parameterization is actually executed on all clients, the following points must be observed:

1.Clear the parameterization cache on the ArcGIS Server via the ModuleServer-SOE REST endpoint "catalog/clearArtifacts"

2.Then delete the local cache of the parameterization locally on all computers

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