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Locates Grid

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After emails provided by the 811 agencies are processed, the Locates Grid classifies them under multiple rows, you can configure which ones to show and order them from the options tab. By default, 6 rows show up on logging in, but you can configure them up to 8 rows. By default, 25 locate requests show in the Locates Grid. Users can hover over data in any column to open a tooltip with additional information.


Locates Grid



Locates Grid headers


Grid Column


Req #

Request number provided from 811 agency.


Target date for locate request (mm/dd/yy).


Name of the 811 agency.


Shows the status of the locate request. All ingested locates default to an open status. An icon shows in the Locates Grid based on the status; however, the associated text shows in the Summary Window.


Shows the classification of the locate request. If no class is found within the request, it is left blank. An icon shows in the Locates grid based on the class; however, the associated text shows in the Summary Window.


Shows which user is assigned to the locate request. This is done using the first and last name starting initial within a uniquely assigned colored circle. If no one is assigned, it is left blank.


Shows whether the name of the third-party locating company or contractor defined for each Networks Locator customer is assigned to handle the locate request or not.


Shows the date of submission of the locate request to the 811 agency (mm/dd/yy).

Locates Grid column headers with description


To the left of the Req # column, one of three distinguishing colors are applied to each locate to denote urgency leading up to the due date/time:

White – 24 hours or greater (lowest priority)

Yellow – within 24 hours

Red – under 24 hours or past due (highest priority)

The data within the grid can be searched, sorted, and filtered.

Locate Grid Overlays

All locate requests currently within the Locates Grid creates a transparent black overlay. Opening Networks Locator automatically populates five overlays on the map.


Locate request overlay


Selecting a locate request in the Locates Grid makes the row and the associated overlay active. Any active row or overlay has a green hue.


Active row and overlay after a left-click


Customize the Locates Grid

The Locates Grid by default shows 10 locate tasks but can be changed to 25 or 100. This adjusts the grid to allow the user to scroll. Based on the number of pages, the left and right arrows allow the grid to be paginated.


Pagination options


You can left-click each row header to allow the values to be ordered in ascending or descending.

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